Graphene-Based Materials for Water Treatment and Purification

Graphene-Based Materials for Water Treatment and Purification

Neeraj Kumari, Meena Bhandari
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7356-3.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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The supply of clean and safe water in an adequate amount and sustainable way is a global challenge as the presence of toxic organic and inorganic contaminants in water bodies has become one of the most alarming issues. The technologies used for the treatment of water and its desalination remain ineffective in removing the contaminants, especially contaminants present in trace concentration, and was not feasible in disseminated water treatment system globally. Recently, a lot of efforts have sought to enhance various physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials to overcome the shortcoming of technologies. The chapter revealed different technologies for treating wastewater, challenges, and issues faced during treatment and potential applications of advanced materials. The main emphasis is given to the role of graphene-based nano-adsorbents. Under the umbrella of nanotechnologies, different approaches have been discussed for the fabrication of graphene oxide-based nano-adsorbent along with the interaction of contaminants with graphene oxide.
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Problems And Challenges With Ground And Drinking Water

The effluents discarded from industry, sewage, farming, and household activities lead to water pollution. The impurities that can be present in water include the inorganic ones (Al, As, Mn, Ni, fluorides, nitrites, dissolved solids, etc.), organic impurities (volatile organic compounds, fertilizers, pesticides, trihalomethanes etc.), biological or microbial impurities. The presence of biological impurities results in the appearance of water-borne diseases such as polio, cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and infectious hepatitis while the presence of chemicals may result in acute nausea, vomiting, skin ailments, hypertension, cardiotoxicity, fetal abnormalities, damage to liver, brain, and kidney or lead to carcinogenicity (Bayantong et al, 2021).

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