Global Research Output in Occupational Health From 1998–2018: A Scientometric Study

Global Research Output in Occupational Health From 1998–2018: A Scientometric Study

Senthamilselvi A.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7740-0.ch009
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An analysis of 12,317 publications published by Research Productivity on Occupational Health during 1998-2018 and indexed by Web of Science online database indicates the publication output in the global level research productivity of the publication. The highest numbers of papers were published during the year 2018 with 1,237 records followed by the year 2016 with 1,189 records. Overall, 31,498 authors contributed 2,866 publications in the journal and global cited scores with 149,345 records of the articles. A total of 138 countries have contributed in publications of the output of total research productivity. In this research, it is found that articles have been written using 25 languages.
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The main objective of this study is to use Mapping of Research Productivity on Occupational health: A Scientometric study with special reference to research activities at global level:

  • To analysis the Year wise distribution of publications;

  • To identify the Document wise distribution of publications;

  • To calculate the authorship pattern and examine the extent of research collaboration

  • To evaluate the journal wise distribution of publications;

  • To analysis the Institution wise research concentration;

  • To identify Country – wise Collaborative Distribution of Publications


Analysis And Interpretations

This study has observed a total of 12317 publications in Occupational Health literature research, at the international level, over a period of 21 years from 1998 to 2018 indexed by Web of Science Online Database. The highest numbers of papers were published during the year 2018 with 1237 records followed by the year 2016 with 1189 records. Overall, 31498 authors contributed in 2866 journals of the publications from 9786 number of institutions that are located in 138 numbers of countries. Contribution of journals, ranking of authors, preference of publication and frequency of keywords were also analysed in this paper.

Table 1.
Occupational Health literature research output during 1998-2018
2Time Span1998-2018
3Contributed authors31498
4Number of Journals2866
5Document type16
6Contributing Country138
9Intuitions with sub divisions20373
10Global citations149345
11Local citations16923

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