Geospatial Blockchain Applications for Land Administration in Pakistan

Geospatial Blockchain Applications for Land Administration in Pakistan

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0405-1.ch007
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In an era characterized by rapid technological progress, the persistent challenges of land administration are on the verge of a groundbreaking transformation through the adoption of blockchain technology. Originating with the advent of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain has emerged as a beacon of hope, promising transparency, trust, immutability, and security in recording transactions. This innovative technology holds immense potential to revolutionize the landscape of land administration in Pakistan, a nation burdened by antiquated paper-based systems, corruption, land disputes, and inefficiencies. Embracing blockchain can offer Pakistan the prospect of an era marked by improved governance, diminished fraud, streamlined record-keeping, and equitable access to vital land information. Nonetheless, the path forward is strewn with challenges, necessitating the establishment of robust legal frameworks, capacity-building initiatives, and the resolution of privacy concerns.
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Within this section, foundational insights pertaining to the dynamic intersection of blockchain technology and the domain of land administration are presented.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Land Use Planning: It is a strategic process that involves the organized allocation and regulation of land for various purposes, such as residential, commercial, agricultural, or environmental conservation. It aims to balance the needs of communities with sustainable development while considering social, economic, and environmental factors.

Land Administration: It is a systematic and organized process of managing and recording land-related information, transactions, and ownership rights. It involves the registration, mapping, and maintenance of land records to ensure secure and transparent land tenure systems.

Blockchain: It is a revolutionary technology that employs a decentralized and immutable ledger to record and verify transactions. It offers high security and transparency by distributing data across a network of computers, making it resistant to alteration and fraud.

Geospatial Blockchain: It is an innovative fusion of geospatial data and blockchain technology. It leverages the capabilities of blockchain to securely and transparently manage geospatial information, allowing for more reliable and efficient management of location-based data and services.

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