Geochemia: Information Systems to Support Chemical Analysis in Geological Research

Geochemia: Information Systems to Support Chemical Analysis in Geological Research

Dimitar Christozov
Copyright: © 2001 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-961-2.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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In Bulgaria, mineral resources are property of the State. The State’s Committee of Geology (SCG) executes control and supervision and supports on geological researches. The last includes access to information and laboratory services. SCG has established a system, whit the following functions: • Distribution of soil samples among the laboratories; • Execution of quality control on the chemical analytical methods used in laboratories; • Maintenance of the information fund (archive). The enterprise, responsible to the performance of the system is “Geochemia”. The case specifies the functions of “Geochemia”, information systems and technologies used to support execution of its activities in the time of transition to market economy. It provides basis for development of course projects in three areas: • Design of database and TPS; • Design of a MIS for quality control; • Development of DSS: Statistical Inference Procedures for usability and calibration of chemical analytical methods.

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