Generative Artificial Intelligence as Academic Assistant: Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications

Generative Artificial Intelligence as Academic Assistant: Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1351-0.ch007
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The study conducted a literature review focusing on the role of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) utilized as an academic assistant. Within the scope of the research, the opportunities and challenges presented by GAI-based academic assistants to researchers, along with a detailed examination of tools used in the research process, were intended to be explored. It was emphasized that artificial intelligence applications used in academic writing processes have the potential to expedite tasks such as performing repetitive functions, literature reviews, data analysis, and document organization effectively. This situation was noted to offer a range of advantages for students and researchers. However, it was underscored that considerations regarding accuracy, reliability, and ethical concerns must be considered. Factors limiting the effectiveness of GAI in academic writing processes, such as limitations in language understanding, concerns about ethical violations, and difficulties in selecting appropriate data visualization, were discussed.
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Academic writing is a comprehensive and rigorous process of synthesizing information obtained through reviewing reliable sources in the context of structured discussions, supported by accurate citations, to contribute to scientific discourse (Noroozi, 2022). The process involves identifying clear, concise headings that summarize the study (Maiorana & Mayer, 2018) and summarizing sections of the study, such as purpose, method or findings, concisely and effectively (Altmäe et al., 2023). Again, the main components of the study, such as method, results and discussion, should be clearly explained and understood by creating logical arguments (McMahan et al., 2017). While performing all these steps, it is essential to reference the work of other researchers to avoid plagiarism (Liu et al., 2018). Moreover, it is necessary to express ideas accurately and coherently by adhering to specific stylistic rules, provided scientific terminology is used skillfully.

Considering all the processes mentioned, writing a scientific article has become a unique challenge for many authors. Academic writing becomes even more complicated when factors such as researchers' insufficient knowledge of the subject, low research skills and time limitations are added (Poch et al., 2020). Managing citations and references correctly in the writing process is another factor that makes it difficult for writers (Bautista & Pentang, 2022) because it is necessary to know how to format the citation correctly, considering the different rules in the referenced style guide.

Various tools and strategies have been developed to assist writers and can be used for literature searches, writing, avoiding plagiarism or referencing correctly. Reliable and user-friendly artificial intelligence-based digital author assistants such as automatic citation and reference tools are considered tools that can be collaborated with in this context (Le, 2023). These assistants help authors by performing tasks such as creating article summaries, identifying essential points, citing, and providing feedback on grammar, style and consistency. They can save significant time and effort (Aljanabi et al., 2023). There is also talk of artificial intelligence tools that can write articles independently (GPT-3, 2020). It should be noted here that many researchers believe these assistants cannot replace human intelligence and creativity, and they need to be more capable of conducting original scientific research independently (Castillo-Gonzalez, 2022). They are also criticized for ethical violations (Aljanabi, 2023), misinformation production (Nguyen, 2023) and lack of critical thinking skills (Bishop, 2023).

In conclusion, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted aids in academic writing, akin to other domains of life, and introduces various opportunities and challenges (George & Wooden, 2023). As the number of academic studies continues to increase in this field, examining these studies and synthesizing their results systematically, transparently, and reproducibly on a mass scale has become crucial (Torraco, 2016, p.6). In this context, the study aims to comprehensively explore the opportunities and challenges presented to researchers by GAI-based academic assistants, along with a detailed examination of tools used in the research process. Within this scope, the following research questions were addressed:

  • 1.

    What is GAI as an academic assistant, and what are its general features?

  • 2.

    What advantages does GAI provide to researchers as an academic assistant?

  • 3.

    What are the limitations of GAI as an academic assistant?

  • 4.

    What are the tools available for GAI as an academic assistant?

Key Terms in this Chapter

Academic Writing: A style of writing specific to scientific research, prepared according to various rules, that effectively presents information.

Data sets: Describes large amounts of data or extensive data sets from multiple sources.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): A set of algorithms that can simulate human characteristics such as reasoning, decision making, or problem solving.

Artificial Intelligence algorithms: Structures used in computer systems that consist of a sequence of logical steps.

Generative Artificial Intelligence: More advanced than traditional artificial intelligence, it can be defined as the ability to generate new information using learning and problem-solving capabilities.

Academic Assistant: Artificial intelligence applications that assist researchers with tasks such as information retrieval, analysis, and content creation in academic fields.

Artificial Intelligence Applications: Technological tools that include software and algorithms that imbue computer systems with human capabilities such as learning and problem-solving.

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