Generative AI and Healthcare 5.0: A Revolution

Generative AI and Healthcare 5.0: A Revolution

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1082-3.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Over the past century, the global healthcare system has undergone remarkable transformations driven by technological advancements. Healthcare 1.0 represented ancient healing practices, reliant on manual record-keeping and lacking efficiency. The advent of computers in the 1980s ushered in Healthcare 2.0, enabling centralized digital records and improved communication. Healthcare 3.0 introduced affordable smart wearable devices, capable of monitoring health metrics. In Healthcare 4.0, the integration of AI with smart devices led to patient-centric care, global collaboration, and enhanced research efficiency, propelling the healthcare sector into a new era of progress.
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What Is Healthcare?

Healthcare is the medical care provided to individuals or communities in order to live a fit, healthy and better lifestyle.

The Global Healthcare system has seen a lot of gradual changes within a span of 100 years. With new and new technologies coming into our lives and playing major roles, the healthcare system has also seen great advancements which went from physician centric and expensive to patient centric and cost-efficient today. Healthcare 1.0 (it was not literally called healthcare 1.0 but to give a reference, here 1.0 is taken) can be considered as the earliest phase of medical practices. It may have included ancient healing methods, herbal medicines etc., the major disadvantage it had was that all the records were handled manually and required a lot of human input in order to maintain. When computers started to get popular in the 1980’s, the records were being recorded in a computer, which made it centralized and easy to access. It also resulted in easy communication between the person responsible for collecting or handling the records and the doctors. By the time healthcare 3.0 was being established the world saw a lot of advancements in hardware devices like smart wearable devices. These smart devices were able to check your pulse rate, or count how many steps you walked etc. these devices were not very expensive and people were able to buy them and use them. In healthcare 4.0 With the results generated by these smart devices and AI in trend, healthcare was able to generate better results that were more patient centric which made global collaboration easier. The better insights generated from the data from these devices also improved the efficiency with the research we do to make further progress in this sector (Khan et al., 2021).

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