Generation Y and Mobile Marketing in India

Generation Y and Mobile Marketing in India

Varsha Jain, Subhadip Roy
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8239-9.ch086
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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India holds the second top position in terms of size of the mobile market industry. Indians use their phone primarily to retrieve information, to educate themselves, for entertainment, and for communication. It is also noteworthy that a major chunk of these mobile phone users is Generation Y. They are tech savvy, keen for new technology, and have high income with high spending capacity. Different features of mobile phones such as Bluetooth, multimedia messaging, SMS, QR codes, and apps are frequently used by Generation Y. However, the problem with this generation is that they have a very short span of attention. In this paper, the authors explain the attitude of Generation Y in India towards the mobile applications and in-app advertising, as well as different interesting domains of mobile marketing in the context of India.
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This is an emerging area of research and it was difficult to draft the list of scholars. However, we referred to the leading journals from Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) as it is renowned and established marketing forum in the world. We retrieve the list of scholars from We searched recently published papers and figured out experts in this area.

Robert Steuernagel (Steuernagel, R., 1993) at The Strategis Group, Inc. is pioneering scholar of this field with his book titled Cellular Marketing in 1993.

Key Terms in this Chapter

In-App Advertising: Advertisement that appears in the mobile applications.

Mobile Marketing: Marketing of brands, products and services via mobile or smart phones.

Mobile Applications: Software that primarily works on mobile device and used for different purposes.

Generation Y: Group of individuals who are born in between 1980s to 1990s.

India: Prominent and developing country of Asia with second largest mobile users in the world.

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