Gelapark: Parkinson's Diagnosis Support System

Gelapark: Parkinson's Diagnosis Support System

João Paulo Correia
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9978-6.ch017
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The first clinical signs of PD are very discreet, when the symptoms become less discreet that usually means that parkinson’s is already in an advanced state and that is a huge obstacle for premature detection. A premature detection can help prepare him to some life aspects during advanced stages of PD.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Asynchronous Communication: Data transmission without any synchronization mechanism.

Browser: Application designed to access web pages.

Hypokinesia: Short, range and slowly movements.

Levodopa: Drug commonly used in PD treatment.

Dementia: Loss or reduction of cognitive functions.

Monotone Voice: Voice with only one tone.

MPTP Drug: Neurotoxin which can lead people to Parkinson symptoms.

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