Gastronomic Entrepreneurial Profile and Factors Influencing the Potential of Business Internationalization: The Case of Metropizza

Gastronomic Entrepreneurial Profile and Factors Influencing the Potential of Business Internationalization: The Case of Metropizza

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Mario Guadalupe Zazueta-Félix
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7568-0.ch016
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The current challenge for the survival and growth of international businesses is the appropriation of innovation in all its senses. This chapter attempts to analyze the contextual framework of international entrepreneurship and the importance of the entrepreneur's profile that influences the potential to generate innovative environments in relation to success in doing business abroad. This analysis aims to answer the questions of strategic thinking that can be a critical factor in business competitiveness and contribute to its success.
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The organizations arise through actions that are intended to create value and meaning. Thanks to the contributions of Oviatt and McDougal (2005), entrepreneurship is known as a progressive action of man to break down borders: international entrepreneurship comes to mark the combination of behaviors of man with the outside world where we can point out innovation, proactivity with the firm purpose of not only trying but creating value in the company.

The human condition does not escape trial and error, so dealing with entrepreneurship issues is trying to build a career based on mistakes and learn from them in order to pursue goals set for the growth of a company. Therefore, to take entrepreneurship outside the borders implies a growing demand, as well as an imminent risk for SMEs. Therefore, international entrepreneurship is conceptualized as the ability of a company to execute a successful export sales plan.

International entrepreneurship is framed into economic globalization, which means that it contributes to the generation of gross revenues for one or more economies to the new jobs for foreign markets and investing directly in these countries, and on the other hand generating profits for the domestic market with the revenue that cames from international markets in which the company invests.

The base of the increase in wealth of a country can be considered to be international trade. The place where the paradigm of efficiently marketing of goods-based economy was developed, was the European continent between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. At this time, the fundamental premise was to take into account the trade surplus as a privileged economic indicator. This is how priority was given to the export of goods before the domestic market as a source of income.

Trade liberation is attributed to Adam Smith, who pushed the theory of absolute advantage as an advocate and driving idea of international trade. Smith was convinced that once the borders were opened for products from foreign markets, the economy of the countries would benefit. So, once the country's economy adopted this theory, it would contribute to the formalization of international trade. Definitely no country could grow and develop alone. It is thanks to the export of merchandise that an entity or country creates relationships that lead it to form a commercially organized community with the rest of the world.

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