Futuristic Adoption of Blockchain Technology in the Smart Agriculture and Food Industry: Basic Concepts, Structure, Characteristics, Applicabilities

Futuristic Adoption of Blockchain Technology in the Smart Agriculture and Food Industry: Basic Concepts, Structure, Characteristics, Applicabilities

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7879-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Agriculture is the backbone of human activity, and it is playing a vital role in human survival. Smart agriculture has a favorable impact on society as a result of technological advancements. The major goal is to increase production quality and quantity. Many industries, including healthcare, law, real estate, banking, and other applications are being transformed by using blockchain technology. On the other hand, agriculture is a known application that uses blockchain technology to totally transform the lives of human being in the world. With such a growing population it is obvious that the food demand will increase significantly. To fulfill the food demand of the world population, the agriculture industry is making use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, and other food automation techniques and technologies to meet the demands through innovative production. This chapter presents an overview of various blockchain technology use cases, benefits and obstacles of food industry, and deployment of blockchain technology in agriculture.
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Introduction Of Blockchain

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that may be used to store different types of data. As a result, it is a database that stores encrypted data blocks and connects them to form a single trustworthy source for the data. The structure of the blockchain is shown in Figure 1

Figure 1.

Structure of blockchain


A simple analogy is that Google Documents is a perfect model for thoughtful blockchain technology. When document need to disseminate with the group of users, instead of sending duplicated copies, the document is shared among the group without any duplication (Nguyen.,2020). Anything store on blockchain cannot be changed by its structure, despite the fact that blockchain technology got to prominence as a result of its engagement in the financial sector, it has a wide range of applications that extend beyond cryptocurrencies. Technology is projected to radically disrupt numerous industries, including healthcare, law, real estate, banking, and many more. The agro sector can benefit from blockchain technology in a various use case such as demand pricing, seed quality, harvest and yield etc. as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Application of blockchain in agriculture


Working of Blockchain

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that integrates three key components: cryptography for secure key management, a decentralized peer-to-peer network with a distributed ledger, and implied computing capabilities for storing transactional data and network records. This powerful combination enables a tamper-proof and transparent system for conducting and recording transactions, without relying on a central authority. By utilizing blockchain, individuals and organizations can engage in secure and efficient transactions, with increased trust and transparency (Geetha sk., 2011). Cryptography is a highly effective technique used to protect sensitive information and communications from unauthorized access by encoding them with complex codes. It involves the use of two keys, namely the private key and the public key, which enable secure information exchange between two parties. By maintaining these keys, individuals can establish a trusted and secure digital identity. Secure identity is a crucial component of Blockchain technology, which relies on cryptography to ensure that only authorized parties have access to the data on the network. This enhances the security and transparency of transactions, making them more reliable and trustworthy (Gupta., 2020). In the realm of Bitcoin, digital signatures play a crucial role in authorizing and regulating transactions. By combining a peer-to-peer network with digital signatures, a vast network of experts can come to an agreement on various transactions. (Geetha sk., 2022). Once a transaction is agreed upon, it is verified through complex mathematical computations, ensuring a secure transfer of assets between parties. Blockchain users rely on cryptography keys to conduct different types of digital transactions through a decentralized network. Figure 3 and Figure 4 demonstrate the process of public key encryption, where the original text is encrypted using the public key before being sent between two parties. The information is then decrypted using the private key on the receiving end. The public key is available to all network participants, while the private key remains confidential, ensuring that only authorized parties can access the information.

Figure 3.

Public key encryption

Figure 4.

Cryptographic implementations


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