Future Perspective of Quantum Cryptography for Smart Cities of the 21st Century

Future Perspective of Quantum Cryptography for Smart Cities of the 21st Century

Shalbani Das, Ajanta Das
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6697-1.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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Maintaining security in smart cities and various smart applications has become a most challenging research domain to provide secure access to the society. Exposure of digital data to intruders can easily happen through different smart gadgets knowingly or unknowingly. To ensure security, the role of quantum cryptography is essential in this regard. Quantum cryptography is achieved by utilizing the polarization property of photon and quantum key distribution (QKD). In contrast to a classical computer, quantum computers achieve exponential speedup through reversible operations with the intention to provide security without compromising processing speed in smart applications. In this chapter, concepts, features, and technologies of smart cities are presented. Next, the important role of quantum computing in security with quantum key distribution protocols are explained. This chapter presents an algorithm of encryption and secret key to give the insights of QKD protocol. The chapter concludes with future directives of QKD in smart cities.
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Information and communication technology (ICT) is used in smart cities to increase operational effectiveness, share information with the public, and improve the quality of public services and citizen welfare (Anuj Tiwari & Kamal Jain, 2014). Technology is used by smart cities to offer services to their residents. Data collection involves the use of numerous technological techniques and sensors. The insights gained from the data obtained aid in operationally improving waste disposal, utility delivery, traffic flow, environmental management, and social service management. City officials can monitor the city in real-time and communicate easily with the population thanks to the usage of information and communication technology.

A well-developed and smart infrastructure with quality housing, education, and healthcare are given the highest priority in the smart city. A smart city must provide better habitation and provide better employment options to boost the economic growth of society. It should look forward to providing reliable and cost-effective measures with increased critical services. The resources of a smart city must be managed effectively to prevent depletion. Lastly, a smart city must have an improved transit network connectivity with the internet and proper use of cutting-edge technologies to serve community needs. These characteristics set smart cities apart from ordinary cities to serve as models for other towns looking to upgrade their infrastructure and spur urban economic growth. In India five cities, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Bhubaneshwar and Coimbatore are already identified with a few features. A brief discussion about these is presented in the following.

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