Fusion of Blockchain With Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for Keener Healthcare Solutions

Fusion of Blockchain With Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for Keener Healthcare Solutions

M. Rashmi, Girija D. K. (dfa19aeb-c98e-4b4c-87e9-a29f4016b7d9, N. Yogeesh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8913-0.ch005
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The healthcare industry continues to face significant challenges, including bed shortages, long wait times, rising costs, and the impact of pandemics. The use of a healthcare monitoring system powered by AI and IoT, which consists of high-tech devices connected to the internet, has potential benefits that will be felt in the medical field for years to come. These devices collect real-time data that can be used to detect early signs of illness, improve patient outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. By combining this technology with the Blockchain method, patient health data can be securely stored and shared, providing decentralized protection, transparency, accountability, and authentication for data access. While this innovative technology has great potential for improving the healthcare industry, it also presents challenges such as the high cost of implementation and the risk of data overload for healthcare providers.
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Blockchain Technology

The development of cutting-edge cryptographic tools and distributed ledgers, better known as Blockchain or DLT, has emerged. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) like Blockchain facilitates secure, distributed databases and file sharing. Blockchain is a dispersed, immutable ledger that is in usage in future for secure data storage and transfer.

Blockchains are “tamper evident and tamper resistant digital ledgers implemented in a distributed fashion (i.e., without a central repository) and usually without a central authority” like government or companies. Simply put, they style it potential for a cluster of people to note down transactions in a sharing ledger that is only reachable to those folks, and which cannot be transformed after it has been issued due to the way the Blockchain linkage is deliberate to function.

Figure 1.

Healthcare blockchain


A Blockchain is well thought-out as a public ledger which is shared and contracted by all peers in a dispersed linkage. Let’s get into a scenario of Patient health data records, where Blockchain technology can create smart healthcare ecosystem (EU Government Pegs, 2018). In this case smart healthcare contract could be lunched. Doctors write perception or notes, scanned laboratory results are all documented as transactions. The pharmacy dispenses medications are also recorded as truncations. The accuser could be given time limit to access and ensure verification of treatment and imbursement settlements. With keen healthcare contract, patients can have monthly reviews or second opinions on a facing problem, patient can allow access to health insurance companies to manage fitness progress and reports, patients, seen in Figure 1. Hence here, apiece of these blocks is connected to the preceding block, henceforward, creating a manacle of peered to peered connected networks. The key pro of the Blockchain is that immutability can be accomplished (Li et.al., 2018). This permits manipulators to achieve the safekeeping that defends from data record alteration.

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