From Theory to Practice: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Business

From Theory to Practice: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Business

Devanshri Bhatt, H. R. Swapna, Geetika Madaan, Desai Krishna Gayathri, Darshan A. Mahajan, Rashmi Darshan Mahajan, Mukundan Appadurai Paramashivan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3593-2.ch001
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The creation of computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Problem-solving, education, perception, reasoning, understanding of natural language, and some types of decision-making are all included in this list. Artificial intelligence is a technology from the 20th century that has undergone an accelerated evolution and is the foundation for solutions to difficult issues in the business world. Currently, terms like digital marketing, decision-making, Industry 4.0, and business digital transformation are associated with concepts like neural networks, machine learning, or deep learning. As the competitive advantages of using artificial intelligence by economic entities are realized, interest in this technology is likely to rise. This study aims to investigate the progression of artificial intelligence within the realm of business.
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Artificial Intelligence (Pandey, D. et al., 2021) is revolutionizing the way we live and work, ushering in a new era of technological advancement and innovation. With its roots tracing back to the mid-20th century, Artificial intelligence (Kumar Pandey, B. et al., 2021) has evolved from a theoretical concept into a powerful and ubiquitous force in our daily lives. This introductory exploration of artificial intelligence (Gupta, A. et al., 2021) aims to unravel its multifaceted nature, from its historical beginnings to its current applications and its profound impact across diverse industries. In its essence, is the realm of computer science dedicated to creating intelligent systems that can emulate human-like cognitive functions. These functions encompass a wide spectrum of activities, including problem-solving, decision-making, learning, reasoning, perception, and language understanding. At the heart of artificial intelligence (Pandey, B. K., & Pandey, D. et al., 2023) lies the aspiration to develop machines and software that not only execute predefined tasks but also adapt, learn, and improve their performance over time, mirroring the flexibility and intelligence of the human mind (Meslie, Y. et al., 2021). One of the defining features of artificial intelligence is its ability to adapt and improve through learning. Machine Learning (Singh, H. et al., 2022), a subset of artificial intelligence, has emerged as a critical enabler of this adaptability. Machine learning algorithms (Tripathi, R. P. et al., 2023) allow machines to recognize patterns in data (Kumar, M. S. et al., 2021), make data-driven predictions, and adjust their behavior based on new information. This capability has given rise to an array of artificial intelligence applications (Amershi, B., 2019). ranging from recommendation systems on streaming platforms, predictive analytics in finance, and image recognition (Pandey, B. K. et al., 2023a) in healthcare. The economic and societal implications of artificial intelligence are profound and far-reaching. In the business world, artificial intelligence is a game-changer, optimizing processes, enhancing decision-making, and driving innovation. As companies harness the power of artificial intelligence, they gain a competitive edge by improving productivity, efficiency, and customer experiences (Saxena, A. et al., 2021). Moreover, artificial intelligence is reshaping the employment landscape, with the potential to automate routine tasks while simultaneously creating new opportunities for jobs that require human-artificial intelligence (Vinodhini, V. et al., 2022) collaboration. In this exploration of artificial intelligence, we will embark on a journey through its historical timeline, from its conceptualization to its rapid evolution. We will delve into its core principles, such as machine learning and neural networks, which underpin its ability to mimic human intelligence. We will also illuminate the diverse applications of artificial intelligence in various domains, from healthcare (Pandey, B. K. et al., 2022) and finance (Alghafiqi, B., & Munajat, E., 2022) to transportation and entertainment. Finally, we will discuss the ethical and societal considerations that arise as artificial intelligence continues to evolve, raising questions about privacy, bias and the future of humanity in an artificial intelligence-driven world. As we navigate through this expansive landscape, it becomes clear that artificial intelligence is not just a technological novelty but a transformative force that promises to shape our future in ways we are only beginning to comprehend. artificial intelligence is more than just algorithms and data; it represents the embodiment of human ingenuity and the pursuit of unlocking the secrets of intelligence itself. Artificial intelligence already has a significant impact on network marketing processes and services, through the analysis of user behavior in networks and the creation of user profiles to which product and service offerings are oriented; It affects the production departments, managing maintenance in a predictive way, automating quality control and detecting anomalies in the production lines before problems occur; It influences the logistics processes, calculating efficient routes, recalculating new routes based on unexpected events and maintaining contact with the client and the logistics service provider in a fluid and automatic way; It influences after-sales services, analyzing the opinion of customers about products and services, to assess their level of satisfaction and possible failures or improvements that may apply to products/services. Artificial intelligence implies, as a disruptive technology, a change in the labor relations model and in employment itself, within the new economy. The initial purpose of artificial intelligence was to convert non-analytical human knowledge into computational data from symbolic computation processes, connectionist networks, or a mixture of both. Thus, Artificial intelligence was conceived as a science with double lines of analysis: practical and theoretical. Regarding the practical aspect, the simultaneous and/or successive occurrence of different inferential processes to which symbolic magnitudes are assigned is described. In the theoretical analysis, an explanation is sought based on a set of rules in a higher plane of knowledge that contributes to describing and predicting past and future events.

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