From the Conceptualization of an Architecture of a Pedagogical Scenario to the Design of a Model of Pedagogical Scenarios in Online Education

From the Conceptualization of an Architecture of a Pedagogical Scenario to the Design of a Model of Pedagogical Scenarios in Online Education

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7634-5.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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In recent decades, education researchers have taken an interest in what teachers do in the classroom. For a long time, one of the main research goals has been to identify teacher behaviors in the classroom that promote learner learning. The issue of teachers' conceptualizations of learning situations is of strategic importance in the field of ICT. After focusing on issues of resource creation, pooling, and reuse, pedagogy research insists on the need to consider learner activities more and put the concept of learning scenarios back at the center of the debate. The objective in this chapter is to propose in the first place to conceptualize an architecture of a pedagogical scenario for a learning situation of a content specific to a discipline of this activity. Secondly, the authors propose the design and scenarization of an online teaching by proposing the different possible scenarios depending on the nature of the learning or assessment activities related to a learning situation without taking into consideration the nature of the discipline and the nature of the concept to be treated.
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2. Theoretical Framework

In this part, which concerns the theoretical framework of this work, we will first differentiate online teaching from traditional teaching by identifying the advantages of this teaching in relation to the learner, the teacher and the institution. Secondly, based on the methods of pedagogical engineering, we identify the different steps allowing the implementation of an online teaching by underlining the tasks to be done for each step. In a third step, we define the pedagogical scenario and the steps to follow for the design of a scenario. In the fourth and last step, based on previous works, we propose an overview of the pedagogical scenario by differentiating between the predictive scenario and the descriptive scenario, the learning scenario and the learning device.

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