From the Classroom to the Breakout Room: The Many Embedded Ways a Librarian Can Teach Information Literacy

From the Classroom to the Breakout Room: The Many Embedded Ways a Librarian Can Teach Information Literacy

Alyssa H. Young
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9004-1.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Librarians embed themselves virtually and physically into courses to provide information literacy instruction. The COVID-19 pandemic had librarians swiftly shift their instruction practices and outreach to patrons, learning and using new technologies and teaching techniques. The goals of this chapter are to understand what embedded librarianship is and how it affects information literacy instruction, explore what instructional services an embedded librarian provided before the COVID-19 pandemic, describe adjustments to information literacy instruction as the classroom shifted to remote/hybrid format, and outline strategies to successfully deliver embedded information literacy instruction in the future.
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The examples of embedded librarianship in this chapter are from a science and math liaison librarian who works at a large, public research university that is primarily undergraduate students. As the liaison librarian to the College of Science and Math, she works with biology, chemistry and biochemistry, geology and environmental science, mathematics and statistics, and physics and astronomy. This college has a large emphasis on undergraduate research. She provides instruction on finding, evaluating, and using science information sources and consults with students and faculty about research and tools to manage research.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Asynchronous Online Learning: Students and instructors learn course content and interact with one another on their own time, in different locations. Instructors might provide readings, video lectures, and other assignments as the course content that replaces the real time meetings.

Information Literacy: The skills to effectively find, evaluate, and use information.

Synchronous Online Learning: Students and instructors learn course content and interact with one another at the same time, in different locations, typically via an online live video software. Instructors interact with students via video and chat in real time.

Embedded Librarian: A librarian that intentionally integrates themselves with their users, building a strong relationship with shared goals.

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