From Clicks to Virtual Realms: Exploring Metaverse-Driven E-Commerce and Consumer Shifts

From Clicks to Virtual Realms: Exploring Metaverse-Driven E-Commerce and Consumer Shifts

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2607-7.ch006
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This study conducts a comprehensive bibliometric analysis using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) model to explore the convergence of e-commerce, customer experience, and virtual environments in the evolving metaverse. Utilizing Scopus database data from 2010 to 2023, this research aims to map the trends, patterns, and emerging themes surrounding augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and immersive technologies, shaping consumer behaviour within virtual realms. Initial screening resulted in a substantial corpus of scholarly articles, conference papers, and reviews. Moreover, utilizing visualization tools like VOSviewer, this study provides insightful graphical representations, revealing clusters and connections among keywords, and offering a deeper understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of Metaverse in e-commerce. The analysis focuses on quantifying publication trends, identifying influential authors, institutions, and countries, and mapping key themes and connections within the domain. The analysis encompasses a range of bibliometric indicators, including publication trends, prolific authors, influential journals, and co-occurrence networks of keywords It investigates how virtual environments affect purchasing decisions, brand interactions, and loyalty-building strategies, emphasizing personalized experiences, social interactions, and gamification. The analysis also uncovers emerging research trends and gaps, suggesting avenues for further exploration, including the integration of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and spatial computing in enhancing e-commerce in virtual spaces. This research contributes to understanding the impact of the metaverse on e-commerce, customer experience, and engagement, providing valuable insights for academics, practitioners, and policymakers navigating this dynamic field.
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Digital technology development has had a profound impact on how businesses interact with their customers, constantly changing the face of commerce (Silitonga et al., 2024). A new age is about to begin, driven by developments in immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and others (Gasmi and Benlamri, 2022). In this new era, e-commerce is going to be significantly impacted by the idea of the Metaverse (Toraman and Geçit, 2023). In his 1992 novel “Snow Crash,” science fiction writer Neal Stephenson first introduced the term “Metaverse,” which describes a communal virtual area made up of linked virtual worlds, augmented reality settings, and the internet (Zakarneh et al., 2024). Here, users can engage, create, transact, and explore in fully virtual surroundings, symbolising the confluence of the physical and digital worlds. The Metaverse has gained traction in recent years as both startups and industry titans in technology have made significant investments in creating immersive digital experiences (Jeong et al., 2022). These encounters go beyond the confines of conventional e-commerce, giving customers a new way to interact and engage with goods and services. Metaverse has the power to completely transform e-commerce in several ways, including by improving customer interaction, changing the way people shop, and creating new avenues for companies to thrive in a society where everything is connected by technology (Periyasami and Periyasamy, 2022). Comparing the Metaverse to conventional e-commerce platforms, one can have a more engaging and dynamic buying experience. Thanks to augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology, users can browse products in 3D, explore virtual storefronts, and even try them on. Customers' levels of engagement and happiness can rise when they have an immersive experience that mimics what it feels like to be in a physical store (Baskaran, 2023). Massive volumes of user data are gathered and analysed by the Metaverse to provide highly customised product recommendations and customisation possibilities based on unique needs and preferences. Businesses may improve their conversion rates and the shopping experience considerably by implementing this degree of personalisation.

Through virtual surroundings, users can shop with friends, relatives, or other like-minded persons in the Metaverse, which promotes social connections and community participation (Oh et al., 2023). To foster a feeling of community and belonging around brands and products, social shopping experiences can incorporate live streaming, virtual events, and interactive discussions. By employing storytelling tactics, businesses may utilise the Metaverse to create virtual brand experiences and narratives that captivate people closer (Sutherland and Barker, 2023). A company can stand out in a competitive market by using interactive storytelling, virtual brand activations, and immersive product launches to strengthen emotional connections with its target audience. Branded virtual items, in-game advertising, virtual events, and virtual real estate sales are just a few of the new revenue streams and monetization opportunities that the Metaverse offers start-ups (Mancuso et al., 2023). Enterprises can expand their sources of income and reach untapped markets and consumer groups by capitalising on these prospects. Huge volumes of data about user behaviour, interactions, and preferences are produced by the Metaverse; this data provides businesses with important insights to improve their customer experiences, product offers, and marketing campaigns. To help organisations make data-driven decisions and remain ahead of market trends, advanced analytics tools and machine learning algorithms can analyse this data in real time.

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