A Framework for the Design of Web Service Based Clinical Management Systems to Support Inter and Intra Organizational Patient Journeys

A Framework for the Design of Web Service Based Clinical Management Systems to Support Inter and Intra Organizational Patient Journeys

Carolyn McGregor
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-050-9.ch033
(Individual Chapters)
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The clinical management of premature and ill term babies is challenged by the necessity of several inter and intra organizational patient journeys. Premature and ill-term babies born in regional Australia and Canada must be moved to another hospital with Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) facilities. NICU babies requiring surgery must be moved to a Level IV NICU for surgery. Current clinical management supports the transfer of limited patient data via paper or telephone exchange. In this article a framework for the design of Web-service-based clinical management systems to support inter and intra organizational patient journeys is presented. A series of Web services are described and integrated and coordinated through BPEL processes enabling greater support for inter- and intra-organizational transfer of patient data. This framework is demonstrated through a NICU case study. A key benefit of this framework is that it enables the establishment of “on demand” patient journeys eliminating the need to establish permanent point-to-point connections.

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