Fostering Sustainability Through the Integration of Green Human Resource Management and Change Management: Nurturing Eco-Conscious Organizational Practices

Fostering Sustainability Through the Integration of Green Human Resource Management and Change Management: Nurturing Eco-Conscious Organizational Practices

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 38
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0235-4.ch011
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This chapter investigates the synergistic integration of green human resource management with change management, aiming to explore its significance in enhancing organizational sustainability and environmental responsibility. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the alignment of HR policies and practices with sustainability goals can lead to increased employee engagement, foster a culture of eco-consciousness, and drive positive environmental outcomes. Furthermore, it analyzes how change management processes can facilitate the seamless integration of sustainability initiatives into an organization's core values and operations, ensuring long-term commitment and successful implementation. By examining various case studies and empirical evidence, this research seeks to demonstrate how the confluence of these two frameworks can yield substantial benefits for both the organization and the environment, and drive positive change.
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1. Introduction

In recent years, the growing awareness of environmental challenges, climate change, and social issues has prompted businesses to reassess their practices and mentalities. The global push towards environmental sustainability has compelled organizations to reevaluate their practices, change and adjust so as to become more eco-conscious. Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) has emerged as a strategic approach that aligns HR practices with sustainability goals. It encompasses various dimensions, such as recruitment, training, performance management, employee engagement, and employee well-being, to foster a greener workplace culture (Tanova and Bayighomog, 2022).

However, implementing Green HRM initiatives necessitates careful planning, management, and integration with the organization's broader change management strategies. GHRM plays a critical role in helping organizations enhance their reputation, cultivate an environmentally conscious workforce, fulfill social responsibilities, and ultimately gain a competitive advantage. Scholars have suggested that it empowers organizations to achieve their objectives by influencing employees' attitudes, behaviors (Muisyo et al., 2021), and perceptions related to the organization's appeal and prestige (Guillot-Soulez et al., 2022). This chapter aims to explore the integration of Green HRM and Change Management to drive sustainable practices within organizations and shed light on the benefits and practical implications of such integration, showcasing how businesses can effectively contribute to a promising future.

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