Fostering Creativity and Innovation: Tourism and Hospitality Perspective

Fostering Creativity and Innovation: Tourism and Hospitality Perspective

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6732-9.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The tourism and hospitality sector fosters growth, prospers the hosts, and also offers immense potential for employment in various sections. Innovation is a decisive process for the well-being of an organization. With economic crises after COVID-19 and the slow recovery that continues, the authors believe that a solution can be improving the capacity to research and innovate to achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this chapter is to develop a meaningful debate on the creativity and innovations in the forms of new ideas, methods, and technology to better meet the evolving requirement of the organization and workforce sustainability. Further, exploring the future needs and circumstances rather than simply finding some responses to the situation, this chapter highlights challenges and prospects related to achieving creativity and innovation for business sustainability in tourism and hospitality.
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Concept Of Innovation

The innovation concept includes a synopsis of the following topics: the definition of innovation, the significance of innovation, the factors that drive innovation, and the factors that contribute to the spread of innovation.

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