Fog Computing in Industrial Internet of Things

Fog Computing in Industrial Internet of Things

Maniyil Supriya Menon, Rajarajeswari Pothuraju
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3375-8.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Fog computing, often projected as an extension to cloud, renders its design to deal with challenges of traditional cloud-based IoT. Fog enlightens its features of low latency, real-time interaction, location awareness, mobility support, geo-distribution (smart city), etc. over cloud. Fog by nature does not work on cloud instead on a network edge for facilitating higher speeds. Fog pulls down the risk of security attacks. Industrial sector is revolutionized by ever changing technical advancements and IoT, which is a young discipline embraced by industry thereby bringing in IIoT. Fog computing is viable to Industrial processes. IIoT is well supported by the middleware fog computing as industrial process requires most of the task performed locally and securely at end points with minimum delay. Fog, deployed for industrial processes and entities which are part of internet, is gaining importance in recent times being titles as fog for IIoT. Additionally, as industrial big data is often ill structured, it can be polished before sending it to cloud resulting in an enhanced computing.
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Characteristics Of Fog Computing

  • Geographical Distribution: Fog offers uplifting uninterrupted deployment services for providing QoS to mobile components and motionless Edge devices. The node is geographically spread over various environmental at different phases.

  • Mobility factor: Communication between mobile devices is made possible by this mobility factor using SDN protocols, which separates the identity of the host from the identity of location with a distributed indexing system.

  • Interfacing Real-time Applications: Interacting with real-time applications and devices is an urging requirement for Fog (Peter, 2015). These may include supervising requirements like critical processes with sensors or fog devices, real-time exchange of information for a traffic monitoring system (Vasey, 2018). By default, fog applications are capable of handling real-time processing providing QOS instead of batch processing structurally.

  • Environmental Heterogeneity: Structurally defined, Fog computing is virtualized offering storage, computation, and services of network with the main cloud and devised, components at the termination. FOG heterogeneity servers maintain hierarchical blocks at distributed locations.

  • Synchronizing Interoperability: The usage of interoperability between fog devices, support and guarantee services over large range like streaming data and real-time processing supporting the analysis of data and predictive decision making.

  • Huge Wireless Access: Here wireless access protocols and gateways are examples of node proximity in FOG to end-user.


Role Of Fog

  • Real-time big data industrial mining intending an increased performance.

  • Being able to gather data from various types of sensors parallel.

  • Speed computation of collected data for generating commands for actuators, robots with agreeing on latency.

  • Use of translation protocols and mapping for sensors and robots that are incompatible.

  • Handling the power management system.


Layers Of Fog Computing

Figure 1.

Layers of Fog Computing


The physical and visualization layer sitting at the bottom in Figure 1 includes nodes like physical modes, virtual modes, and sensor networks. Sensor devices which distributed over a geographical area to gathered sensed information is served to the upper layers via components like gateway after advanced filtering and processing.

Key Terms in this Chapter

IIoT: IoT extended for Industrial sectors.

Edge Computing: A computing environment that fills gap between data storage and computation location.

Actuators: A component of machine intended to control a system or mechanism.

Cloud Computing: A computing environment that promises services like storage, databases, software over Internet for improved performance.

Fog Computing: Architecture supporting edge devices for computation and connecting networks.

Gateway: A device for connecting two different networks over internet.

Fog IIoT Stack: A fog-based technology stack for a complete IoT solution.

Sensors: A device that detects a physical property indicates and responds accordingly.

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