Fine Tuning Smart Manufacturing Enterprise Systems: A Perspective of Internet of Things-Based Service-Oriented Architecture

Fine Tuning Smart Manufacturing Enterprise Systems: A Perspective of Internet of Things-Based Service-Oriented Architecture

Senthil Murugan Nagarajan, Muthukumaran V., Vinoth Kumar V., Beschi I. S., S. Magesh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6870-5.ch006
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The workflow between business and manufacturing system level is changing leading to delay in exploring the context of innovative ideas and solutions. Smart manufacturing systems progress rapid growth in integrating the operational capabilities of networking functionality and communication services with cloud-based enterprise architectures through runtime environment. Fine tuning aims to process intelligent management, flexible monitoring, dynamic network services using internet of things (IoT)-based service oriented architecture (SOA) solutions in numerous enterprise systems. SOA is an architectural pattern for building software business systems based on loosely coupled enterprise infrastructure services and components. The IoT-based SOA enterprise systems incorporate data elicitation, integrating agile methodologies, orchestrate underlying black-box services by promoting growth in manufacturer enterprises workflow. This chapter proposes the integration of standard workflow model between business system level and manufacturing production level with an IoT-enabled SOA framework.
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1 Introduction

The sustainable competitiveness of a manufacturing industry mainly depends on its ability such as delivery, quality, flexibility, and cost. These capabilities are maximized by attempting Smart Manufacturing System (SMS) using the most advance technologies and it recommends widespread and rapid flow usage of digital information between the manufacturing systems (Tao & Qi, 2017) (Davis et al., 2012). Extraordinary production agility, efficiency, and quality are driven by SMS across various companies and factories to improve competitiveness for a long-term. Particularly, communication and information technology is used by SMS along with the intelligent-software applications such as optimizing the use materials, energy, and labour for high quality and customized products for delivering on-time. Furthermore, the SMS respond to supply chains and market demands quickly (Elhoseny et al., 2016) (Reis & Gonçalves, 2018). Figure 1 shows the overview of smart manufacturing system for the recent technology.

Figure 1.

Overview of Smart Manufacturing System


Some of the key capabilities such as quality, sustainability, productivity, and agility are included in smart manufacturing systems. The agile manufacturing succeeded by enabling some technologies like supply chain integration, distributed intelligence, and model based engineering. The measure of agility is done using some metrics such as time to make changeovers, cycle time, change order per year, new product rate, and percentage of on-time delivery (Mohammadi & Mukhtar, 2018). The quality is measured based on some metrics like returns or rejects per year, material authorizations per year, and yield for the product customization and innovation. The production output ratio is defined to be productivity process in which it typically measured using size and number of products taken or improved. The impacts related to sustainability increased for smart manufacturing systems due to agility and productivity is increasing and a better understanding and control is much needed (Xu et al., 2018) (Theorin et al., 2017).

The next generation of internet of things (IoT) in industry is the biggest potential to have lot of benefits which breakdown the farming of enterprise. This technology allowed to integrate enterprise systems, supply chain management (SCM) systems, customer relationship management (CRP) systems, product lifecycle management (PLM) systems, and production systems (Maksuti et al., 2019). Figure 2 shows the overview of IoT technology integrated with enterprise systems.

Figure 2.

Overview of Smart Manufacturing Enterprise System


Nowadays, the systems based on smart technology are independently managed with each other in which the enterprises holistic view is prohibited. This holistic approach believed to obtaining high efficiency enormously by 26% when it comes for enterprise systems. When using the smart enterprise control, it is not meant to replace with new complete system by removing current automation systems. However, it denotes the connection between enterprise and current automation system (Leyh et al., 2016) (Ordanini & Pasini, 2008). So for this reason, entire manufacturing enterprise system is optimized and enables business control with a high degree. Enterprise will be more efficient when there is a tight integration and also makes more profitable due to volatile market condition as it gives responsiveness and greater flexibility (Borangiu et al., 2015).

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