Federated Learning and Artificial Intelligence in E-Healthcare

Federated Learning and Artificial Intelligence in E-Healthcare

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1082-3.ch006
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Federated Learning (FL), a novel distributed interactive AI paradigm, holds particular promise for smart healthcare since it enables many clients including hospitals to take part in AI training while ensuring data privacy. Each participant's data that is sent to the server is really a trained sub-model rather than original data. FL benefits from better privacy features and dispersed data processing. Analysis of very sensitive data has substantially improved because to the combination of Federated Learning with healthcare data informatics. By utilizing the advantages of FL, the clients' data is preserved safely with their own model, and data leakage is avoided to prevent any malicious data modification in the system. Horizontal FL takes data from all devices with a comparable trait space suggests that Clients A and B are using the same features. Vertical Federated Learning uses a number of datasets from various feature domains to train a global model. A successful FL implementation could thus hold a significant potential for enabling precision medicine on a large scale.
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1. Introduction

Federated learning (FL) is a learning paradigm that aims to overcome the issues of data governance and privacy by training algorithms collectively without actually transferring the data. It was initially created for several areas, including mobile and edge device use cases, but it has recently acquired popularity for healthcare applications (Brisimi, Chen, Mela, Olshevsky, Paschalidis, & Shi, 2018; Lee et al., 2018). A successful FL implementation might have a substantial impact on the ability to practice precision medicine on a wide scale, resulting in models that produce objective judgements, accurately represent the physiology of a person, sensitive to uncommon illnesses, and respect governance and privacy issues. FL still needs careful technical analysis to make sure that the algorithm is working as efficiently as possible without endangering patient privacy or safety. However, it has the ability to get around the drawbacks of strategies that call for one source of centralized data (Rieke et al., 2020). Multiple initiatives to combine data from many organizations have been launched in response to the requirement for huge databases for AI training. Often, this data is gathered into “Data Lakes.” These have been developed with the intention of utilizing either the commercial worth of data, as in the case of International business machines acquisition of Merge Healthcare, or as a resource for economic growth and scientific advancement (Roy & Banerjee, 2015). FL may be used in the context of electronic health records (EHR) to describe and locate individuals who are clinically similar as well as forecast hospitalizations owing to cardiac events (Brisimi, Chen, Mela, Olshevsky, Paschalidis, & Shi, 2018), death, and ICU stay duration6. The usefulness and benefits of FL have also been proved in the area of medical imaging, for both brain tumor segmentation and whole-brain segmentation in MRI. The method has recently been used for MRI classification to identify trustworthy disease-related biomarkers and proposed as an innovative strategy in the context of COVID-19. No matter where a patient receives treatment, establishing FL on a worldwide scale might guarantee high-quality clinical judgements. Particularly, people in need of medical care in distant locations might profit from the same superior machine learning (ML) assisted diagnoses that are accessible in hospitals with a big caseload. The most important component for improving Machine Learning (ML) applications in the healthcare industry is probably access to a significant volume of high-quality medical data. However, given the sensitive nature of health information, security and privacy issues have generated significant ethical and legal concerns in recent years (Adam et al., 2007). The FL idea, in which algorithms are taught using decentralized sample data across several devices or servers without having to share the real data, is referred to as collaborative learning (Brik et al., 2020). This approach is very different from other well-known approaches, such as storing data samples in a distributed architecture or uploading samples to servers. Developing stronger modelling from the other side without sharing data, leads to solutions that are more secure and have more access rights to data (Li et al., 2021). FL has been used in many different applications, including as mobile apps, Internet of Things, transportation, protection, and education (Alazab et al., 2021). Due to its applicability and the numerous trials that have previously been conducted, a FL is quite reliable (Kumar et al., 2021). Despite FL's enormous potential, a number of technological elements, including platforms, software, hardware, and a host of others related to data security and access, are still not well understood (Pang et al., 2020). The fast-emerging FL concept seeks to enhance data privacy and processing for the benefit of several fields (Mahlool & Abed, 2022). A novel approach entitled federated learning makes it possible to jointly develop machine learning models utilizing decentralized data. Google first put up the idea for the Gboard query recommendation use case (Konečný et al., 2016). In order to forecast the most likely phrases that a user would enter next using keyboard autosuggestion, the project included building a language model across hundreds of thousands of mobile devices. By using just its own local dataset, each participating device learned a unique local model. After being combined into a global model by a central coordinator, local models were then forwarded to each participant, either for inference or additional training. FL's primary goal is to facilitate participant collaboration so they can create a better model than they could alone. Even though FL greatly enhances privacy-sensitive applications with 6G communication and has tremendous promise for AI-enabled 6G, FL is still in its early stages of development and is confronting new difficulties in 6G situations.

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