Feature Engineering and Computer Vision for Cybersecurity: A Brief State-of-the-Art

Feature Engineering and Computer Vision for Cybersecurity: A Brief State-of-the-Art

Ismael Abbo, Naomi Dassi Tchomte
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8127-1.ch006
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In cybersecurity, the fusion of feature engineering and computer vision presents a promising frontier. This study delves into their symbiotic relationship, highlighting their combined potential in bolstering cybersecurity measures. By examining tailored feature engineering techniques for intrusion detection, malware analysis, access control, and threat intelligence, this work sheds light on the transformative impact of visual data analysis on cybersecurity strategies. Harnessing feature engineering pipelines alongside computer vision algorithms unlocks novel avenues for threat detection, incident response, and risk mitigation. However, challenges such as overfitting, adversarial attacks, and ethical concerns necessitate ongoing research and innovation. This chapter lays the groundwork for future advancements in feature engineering for computer vision in cybersecurity, paving the way for more robust and resilient security solutions.
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Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques have been extensively explored and applied in the domain of cybersecurity to address a wide array of challenges. Notably, (Jha, 2023) surveyed the potential of integrating ML and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for threat analysis and anomaly detection in Smart Grid Technology. Considering the same use case, (Hasan, 2024) explored ML and DL for threat detection in Smart Grid. (Soman, 2023) reviewed thoroughly deep learning and machine learning architectures with their mathematical background such as Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Deep Autoencoder (DAE), and Deep Neural Network (DNN). (de Azambuja, 2023) works extensively highlighted the ability of ML/DL algorithms such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to enhance the detection and prevention of cybersecurity systems. However, there is a growing need to develop ML/DL techniques capable of handling streaming and real-time data for dynamic threat detection and response in highly dynamic and interconnected environments of Computer Vision. Computer Vision offers novel approaches for threat detection, surveillance, and anomaly identification which (Zhao, 2021) (Ranka, 2023) (Liu, 2023) works overviewed. They informed about the ability to augment traditional cybersecurity measures with visual intelligence capabilities where advanced systems based on CV can analyze visual data from surveillance cameras, satellite imagery, and digital sensors to detect suspicious activities, identify potential threats, and monitor critical infrastructure in real-time. Although CV-based cybersecurity solutions offer a non-intrusive and scalable approach, there is a growing emphasis on the development of multimodal CV systems.

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