Farm Food and Beverage: An Attractive Element of Gastronomy in Agritourism

Farm Food and Beverage: An Attractive Element of Gastronomy in Agritourism

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4135-3.ch008
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The admixture of agriculture and tourism creates new fields of area like agritourism. The primary activity of agritourism is providing unique agritourism attractions to the visitors. Among the interests, farm food and beverages act as substantial components that intrigue the visitors. Food gastronomy is connected with farm food and beverage and its inception. Tourists in the agritourist destination want to explore the culinary practices there. Hence, this book chapter provides an idea of the concepts of agritourism and gastronomy, the applications of gastronomy in agritourism, the significance and dimensions of farm food and beverage in agritourism, factors influencing travelers' food choices, the benefits of gastronomy in agritourism and the value-added advantage of gastronomy in agritourism. Food is always a determinant element of the quality of service in the tourist place.
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Agritourism is a feasible option for the socioeconomic development of the rural areas. The intersection of the tourism and agriculture sectors will benefit both sectors. It is the practice of attracting tourists to where agriculture operations are carried out. The primary motive behind agritourism is to entice visitors to the farm tourist destination. Therefore, compiling working farm environment practices with a commercial tourism component will result in agritourism operations(Pal, 2016). Farmers will benefit from favorable circumstances by performing agritourism activities, especially in the form of monetary gains. The agritourism activities can be categorized into three different types based on the basic principles of tourism. The first one is that of “visits”, the second one is “experience and participation”, and the third one is “purchase”. The fundamental element of the principle “visits” describes visiting the agricultural museums, local dance events etc. The second element, experience and participation, includes different types such as farm educational experience, involvement in countryside dining, experiencing local food etc. The third element is the purchase, which provides farm products and handicrafts (Cheteni & Umejesi, 2023). Recently, a startup venture in India known as “Neercare Agro” by Vivek Khurana and Neeraj Srivastav was launched to rejuvenate the agritourism sector from India to global (The Economic Times, 2023).

Gastronomy is conceivably a vital element for sustainable development and has become a constitutional element in the choice of a tourist destination. India's Government has drafted a “National Food Processing Policy” for the comprehensive development of the food processing sector. The main aim behind this policy is to promote economic benefits for farmers and deliver substantial advantages to the economy and agricultural productivity, creating employment opportunities and increasing the overall standard of living of the people in the country (Government of India, 2017). Gastronomy can be served as a way of fostering good social relationships amidst local communities. Tourist’s will get memorable experiences by exploring food from agritourist destinations. They can acquire new knowledge of provincial gastronomic culture (Fanelli, 2020). The World Tourism Association (WTO) argues that gastronomic tourism has not been promoted. A visitor typically gives importance to gastronomy after the cultural interest and nature. It became a third place among the motives of tourist destination attractions and circumscribed in the context of cultural tourism. Hence, gastronomy encompasses the aspect of cultural tourism that recognises the lifestyle and customs of the local community being explored through culinary representation. This approach facilitates immersion in gastronomic experiences by tasting indigenous cuisines (Berbel-Pineda et al., 2019a).

The emergence of Civic Agriculture changed the entire conventional concept of food production. Civic Agriculture pertains to establishing agriculture rooted in the community, emphasising both production and consumption activities while fostering entrepreneurship and enhancing the community's identity. For agriculturists, the production function holds significance in ensuring the economic sustainability of agriculture. Production function is the number of resources, especially the land and the labour used to produce a given quantity of output. An ordinary farm family will produce ample commodities containing fruits, vegetables, dairy, live-stock, etc. Moreover, visitors can gain valuable experiences from these farmlands, mainly by learning about crops, cultivation techniques, and the processes involved in cultivating and harvesting these crops. The farmers and tourists will stand to benefit from agritourism by participating in gastronomic activities (Lyson, 2004).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Gastronomy: Gastronomy is the understanding of culture, traditions, culinary practices of a particular region. Through gastronomy, the tourists can get experienced from tasting the artisan food thereby creates a motivation to repeat visit towards the place. Visitors mainly prefer to visit a destination which provides authentic local food and beverages. Gastronomy is a way of creating social communities.

Sustainability: Sustainability is the capability to hold up a process over a period of time. It can be economic, environmental, and social. Agritourism and gastronomy is the best way of supporting sustainability. If the agriculture and tourism activities should be blended in such a way that will not be harmful to the farmers. The attraction of local cuisine should be unique and authentic, then only the visitors will get inspired to revisit that touristy place.

Competitive advantage: Competitive advantage refers to the company’s ability to provide goods and services to its customers that is more worhwhile than its rivals. In an agritourism context, farm food & beverage is embedded in gastronomy, and it should of unique, authentic and attractive to tourists other than the other farm tourist destinations. Thus, the attractions are the main ingredients of competitive advantage.

Agritourism: Agritourism is the merging of agriculture and tourism activities that leads to the creation of a new field of activity termed agritourism. The main aim of agritourism is to attract visitors to the agritourist destination while generating income for farmers or agritourism providers.

Food Neophobia: Food neophobia is common among travellers during their journey. Some people dislike exploring new culinary food items. Food neophobia refers to certain travellers exhibiting a reluctance to venture into diverse culinary experiences. a phenomenon commonly referred to as “food neophobia.”

Local Food & Beverage: Food is always an important part of humans’ lives. Travellers usually would like to have choices for food items. They want to explore the normality of cuisines provided in the tourist places. Food is the symbol of the culture of a particular destination. Food helps to create distinctiveness in the minds of tourists.

Behavioural Intention: Behavioural intention is the intention to perform behaviour. Here, in agritourist destinations, if the tourists are satisfied with the attractions, especially food and beverages provided, then it will lead to satisfaction, trust, value for money and good memories for the visitors. It will lead to creating revisit intention in the minds of visitors.

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