Factors Influencing the Adoption of Digital Technology in Transportation Among Logistics Service Providers

Factors Influencing the Adoption of Digital Technology in Transportation Among Logistics Service Providers

Ruthramathi Raja, Sivakumar Venkatachalam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6247-8.ch009
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Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and give new profit and value-producing openings; it's the development of moving to a digital business. Digital shipping refers to advanced operations that aim to give ground-breaking forces recounting dissimilar modes of transport and business procedure. Transportation technology points are to reuse and partake information that can prevent vehicle collisions, keep the industry moving, and reduce environmental impacts. Transportation is the association of material across the Earth's face by irrigating, wind, ice, or graveness. It includes the physical process of traction (dragging), suspense (being carried), and saltation (bouncing) and the chemical process of the result. Emerging technologies are technologies that are apparent as proficient in altering the status are robotics, artificial intelligence, drones, IoT, GPS, blockchain, cloud computing, etc. The objectives is to recognize the factor moving transportation costs and the application of digital technologies in the transport sector.
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Review Of Literature

The IoT technology is used in many areas at present, such as providing chain management, urban planning, library management, retail tracking, stock control, digital logistics, efficient transportation, home automation, mobile payment, warehouse management, healthcare, and the private domain (Bryukhovetskaya et al., 2020; Zorzi et al., 2010) LSPs play an essential role in the global supply chain by delivering goods or services from suppliers to customers. Globalization has come to a pivotal motorist in shaping business strategies. Leading enterprises have developed products for global requests while also having to reference factors worldwide (Banomyong and Supatn, 2011; Hanif and Kaluwa, 2016) that was circulated to purposely selected members from the populace of the production group of people with knowledge of conveying logistics (Avdeenko and Aletdinova, 2017). The transport sector was one of the first to witness the preface of digital technologies the objective need for the robotization of operation, and increases in the trustability of the transport system pushed transport companies (Tugashev, 2018). There are four key parts of the passage sector making digital progression. In the digitization period, transport systems and the provision of goods gain adding significance in terms of mass relinquishment of smart and connected digital technologies and operations (e.g. pall computing, big data analytics, machine literacy, blockchain, Internet of Effects-IoT), since they allow enhancing perpendicular and vertical integration within force chains (Kayikci, 2018). This study examines six factors that will influence the intention to adopt green innovations for logistics service providers. The determinant factors include technological, organizational, and environmental dimensions. The data came from the questionnaire survey on logistics companies in Taiwan, and 162 samples were analyzed. According to the survey results, all the factors have positive influences on the intention to adopt green practices. Explicitness and accumulation of green practices, organizational encouragement, quality of human resources, environmental uncertainty, and governmental support exhibit significant influences on the willingness to adopt green practices (Lin and Ho 2008).

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