Facades and Fortunes: Intellectual Capital's Influence on Firm Dynamics in the Deepfake Epoch

Facades and Fortunes: Intellectual Capital's Influence on Firm Dynamics in the Deepfake Epoch

Rajat Sharma, Manu Sharma, Malkeet Singh, Mukul Bhatnagar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5298-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This research has explored the complex dynamics between intellectual capital and firm performance within the emergence of deepfake technology. It also shows that knowledge management plays a central role in enabling firms to build organizational resilience and adapt to the threats and opportunities arising from deepfake technology. This research is important because it explores how intellectual capital can drive firm performance and resilience in an era increasingly influenced by disruptive deepfake technology. For measuring the relationship between variables, a questionnaire was framed after expert opinion. The questionnaire was circulated randomly to residents of Delhi through a Google form. With the help of SPSS software, regression analysis was applied to 116 responses received.
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