Extending Sociotechnical Design to Project Conception: Knowledge Communication Processes for Situating Technology

Extending Sociotechnical Design to Project Conception: Knowledge Communication Processes for Situating Technology

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-965-1.ch323
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Project management processes offer specific sites for understanding the interplay of the social and the technical. This article focuses on the connection between knowledge and technology through knowledge communication processes, cultural & rhetorical contexts in projects, and the iterative process of project conception rooted in sense-making by designers. The data comes from a Project management course in which the students were asked to design and plan projects to situate a mobile phone game in a social context. The course was taught simultaneously at the Helsinki School of Economics in Finland and the Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The analysis demonstrates the potential of knowledge communication concepts for social technical design and highlights the cultural context of the designers as a key factor to consider in socio-technical design.

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