Exploring the Role of Mobile Learning in Global Education

Exploring the Role of Mobile Learning in Global Education

Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8047-9.ch064
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


This chapter describes the current trends of mobile devices in education, the applications of mobile technologies in learning, the overview of Mobile Learning (m-learning), and the importance of m-learning in global education. M-learning encourages both blended learning and collaborative learning, thus allowing the learners at different locations to get in touch with their peers or others teams to discuss and learn. The m-learning environment is about access to content, peers, experts, portfolio artifacts, credible sources, and previous thinking on relevant topics. Given the convenience of m-learning, there is less time spent getting trained, and the overall costs are lowered as a results. With m-learning, learners are able to learn in their own style at their own pace. M-learning provides easy access to the learning at any place and any time, which is more convenient to the learners.
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Important Aspects Of Mobile Learning In Global Education

This section emphasizes the current trends of mobile devices in education, the applications of mobile technologies in learning, the overview of m-learning, and the importance of m-learning in global education.

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