Exploring the Potential of Spatial Data for Enhancing Higher Education Learners' Learning Outcomes

Exploring the Potential of Spatial Data for Enhancing Higher Education Learners' Learning Outcomes

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9472-1.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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The integration of spatial data into education holds immense promise for transforming learning outcomes across diverse disciplines. From economics to archaeology, the incorporation of geospatial knowledge and technologies can empower students with a deep understanding of complex systems and equips them to devise sustainable solutions. The chapter emphasized the significance of appropriate tools, real-world context, interactive mapping, project-based learning, and other innovative methods in elevating learning outcomes. It delved into the challenges posed by data accessibility, technical infrastructure, skill development, curriculum integration, and ethical considerations, offering strategies such as data partnerships, cloud-based tools, training, and curriculum design to overcome these obstacles. In essence, the chapter presented spatial data as a guiding light, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and fostering critical thinking and creative problem-solving.
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Learning outcomes encapsulate the knowledge, comprehension, and skills that a learner acquires and demonstrates following the completion of a learning endeavor (Harris & Clayton, 2019). The learning outcome model centers on designing education around desired student competencies rather than specific content delivered by instructors. This approach has gained global acceptance in higher education, serving as a means to enhance transparency, ensure quality, and guide educational planning (Erikson & Erikson, 2019). In higher education, project-based learning centers on involving students in purposeful projects to elevate learning achievements (Guo et al., 2020). Engaging in interactive learning media demonstrated a notable positive impact on students' science learning outcomes (Sahronih et al., 2019). Noetel et al., (2021) revealed that substituting current teaching methods with videos led to minor enhancements in student learning, whereas supplementing existing teaching approaches with videos yielded notable learning advantages. Abdjul et al., (2019) demonstrated a substantial enhancement in physics learning outcomes through the implementation of virtual laboratory-based learning approaches. Sousa et al., (2021) underscored the potential of AI to markedly enhance the learning process and outcomes, particularly in laboratory classes.

The development of a model for business-academic cooperation is pivotal to modernizing geoinformatics curricula to improve learning outcomes (Karabegovic et al., 2023). Gartner et al., (2022) highlighted the importance of practical and active learning components for subjects like Cartography, Geomatics, and Geodesy. The geoinformatics course often emphasizes project-oriented learning, independent teamwork, and active engagement with real-world clients. This approach can elevate students' drive, capabilities, and proficiency in the field of geoinformatics (Haggrén et al., 2020). The geospatial sciences courses can equip students with a diverse skill set to navigate the complexities of spatial data analysis, cartographic design, remote sensing, and more. The geoinformatics course can equip students to tackle real-world problems using spatial modeling and effective communication by encouraging critical spatial thinking and interdisciplinary integration.

Spatial data encompasses information tied to specific locations, intertwining attributes, and time-related details. Spatial data science can enhance the traditional data science paradigm by integrating spatial attributes, providing distinctive skills and advantages that hold significant value in professional settings (ESRI, n.d.). Spatial data holds the potential to offer vital context and contribute significantly to the process of making informed decisions (Huang & Wang, 2020). Gaining insights from spatial data holds paramount importance for individuals in the nonprofit sector and the realm of research (Mayer & Fischer, 2023).

The presence of freely accessible, open-source software and the abundance of expansive geospatial data empowers the precise analysis of information for educational strategizing (IIEP-UNESCO, n.d.). Through geospatial analytics, conventional data gains an enriched dimension by incorporating temporal and spatial aspects, resulting in visual representations and valuable revelations. Essential to this process are geospatial technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), which assume a crucial role in acquiring and organizing geographic data. Numerous research findings demonstrated that incorporating geospatial technology like GIS into the classroom is a highly effective pedagogical strategy, bolstering the intricate learning journey of spatial thinking (Lee & Bednarz, 2009).

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