Exploring the Intersection of Nonprofit and Healthcare Management Leadership: Impact for Gender-Diverse Communities

Exploring the Intersection of Nonprofit and Healthcare Management Leadership: Impact for Gender-Diverse Communities

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3555-0.ch006
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This literature review aims to explore the intricate intersection of nonprofit and healthcare leadership. The current landscape of healthcare disparities poses a question of what challenges for both nonprofit and healthcare leaders are being perpetuated by a lack of organizational preparedness for diversity. Additionally, it explores how nonprofit leaders can benefit from collaborative teams. This literature review delves into the critical question of how leaders in these sectors can provide effective solutions for systemic inequities. Through the analysis of the current body of existing literature, this chapter emphasizes the often-overlooked gender-diverse community. Using a comprehensive analysis, this chapter outlines strategies for nonprofits and healthcare leaders to serve gender-diverse and marginalized communities better. The proposed solutions emphasize the need for lean management and transformative leadership to address burnout, emotional labor, and low engagement among stakeholders.
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Problem Statement

De Hert (2020) discusses how, in a Medscape National Physician Burnout and Suicide Report in 2020, it was documented that 43% of practitioners experienced burnout rate. Agarwal and Sharma (2011) discuss how professional workplace issues have always existed where burnout exists, such as denial of professional problems and cynicism. Nonprofit and healthcare leaders face an emerging challenge of being able to ethically and empathetically serve their most marginalized clients, like those who are gender-diverse. Amidst this struggle, a need to address the root of these inequities remains a consistent pattern in management. Nonprofit and healthcare leaders have a workplace problem with their culture impacting their clients, who are already marginalized.

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