Exploring the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Decision-Making Across Diverse Domains: A Systematic Literature Review

Exploring the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Decision-Making Across Diverse Domains: A Systematic Literature Review

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4350-0.ch004
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Emotional intelligence (EI) is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in decision-making across various professional domains. This systematic literature review, covering the period from 2017 to 2023, explores the intricate relationship between EI and decision-making in healthcare, business, education, ethics, and the realms of neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI). Employing a qualitative research design, the study systematically analyzes articles retrieved from renowned databases including Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, J Gate, and Google Scholar. The findings reveal that elevated EI levels among healthcare professionals lead to improved clinical decision-making, characterized by enhanced patient-centered care and ethical considerations. In business and legal contexts, EI competencies are associated with ethical decision-making, effective leadership, and strong client relationships. In education, emotionally intelligent educators create supportive learning environments conducive to better pedagogical decisions and student emotional well-being.
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Neuroscience And Ethical Decision-Making

Pavlova, MA, & Sokolov, AA (2022) delved into the neuroscience of reading the language of the eyes. The study explored the neural processes involved in interpreting emotions through eye expressions. Toriello, HV, Ridder, JMM Van de, Brewer, P, et al. (2022) conducted a scoping review on emotional intelligence in undergraduate medical students. The review summarized the state of research on emotional intelligence in medical education. Jones, OD, Schall, JD, & Shen, FX (2022) presented a comprehensive analysis of “Law and Neuroscience.” The book provided an in-depth exploration of the intersection between legal principles and neuroscientific research. Alsharif, AH, Salleh, NZM, & Baharun, R (2021) delved into the neural correlates of emotion in decision-making. The research investigated the neurological basis of emotional influences on decision-making processes, enhancing our understanding of how emotions shape choices. Schurz, M, Radua, J, Tholen, MG, Maliske, L, et al. (2021) aimed to develop a hierarchical model of social cognition, focusing on empathy and theory of mind. The study conducted a neuroimaging meta-analysis, providing a comprehensive overview of the neural processes underlying social cognition. Tinkler, N, Kruger, A, & Jooste, J (2021) explored the relationship between emotional intelligence and competitive state anxiety among South African female field-hockey players. The study examined how emotional intelligence factors relate to anxiety levels during competitive sports, offering valuable insights for athlete performance.

Robinson, D (2020) reframed translational norm theory through the lens of 4EA cognition. The study proposed a new perspective on norm theory by integrating embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended aspects of cognition. Powell-Jones, A, & Bryan-Hancock, C (2020) conducted a systematic review of cognitive functioning after traumatic brain injury in individuals aged 10–30 years. The review summarized the state of research on cognitive outcomes following traumatic brain injuries in young adults and adolescents. Bayle-Tourtoulou, AS, & Badoc, M (2020) explored the concept of the “Neuro-consumer” and adapted marketing and communication strategies for the subconscious, instinctive, and irrational aspects of the consumer's brain. The book discussed the application of neuroscience in marketing. Cristofori, I, Cohen-Zimerman, S, & Grafman, J (2019) contributed to the “Handbook of Clinical Neurology” by discussing executive functions. The chapter provided insights into the neurological basis of executive functions, such as decision-making and cognitive control. Power, DJ, Cyphert, D, & Roth, RM (2019) examined analytics, bias, and evidence in the context of rational decision-making. The study explored the role of data analytics and cognitive biases in decision-making processes, emphasizing the quest for more rational choices.

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