Exploring the Application of Generative AI in Human Resource Management

Exploring the Application of Generative AI in Human Resource Management

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5578-7.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reviews the current state of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and human resource management (HRM). It discusses the current application of Generative AI in the core functional areas of HRM, identifies the main challenges posed by Generative AI, emphasizes the increasing role and influence of Generative AI applications in the workplace, and suggests future research directions. Current applications of Generative AI in HRM include automation, personalization, decision support, and bias reduction in HR processes. However, the urgent challenges related to transparency, bias mitigation, ethical use, and data privacy must be addressed for responsible deployment. This chapter highlights the opportunities for integrating Generative AI in HRM to improve HR processes while ensuring ethical and fair implementation. The future research directions for Generative AI and HRM focus on reducing bias in AI models, developing ethical frameworks, enhancing data privacy, and exploring AI's impact on organizational culture and employee engagement.
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