Exploring the Knowledge Management Landscape: A Critical Review of Existing Knowledge Management Frameworks

Exploring the Knowledge Management Landscape: A Critical Review of Existing Knowledge Management Frameworks

Stavros T. Ponis, George Vagenas, Epaminondas Koronis
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-965-1.ch103
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Relevant literature suggests that the field of knowledge management (KM) at the service of contemporary organizations is characterized by a plethora of diverse frameworks. However, none of these frameworks has achieved such a wide acceptance so as to be conceived as a standard. In fact, practice proves that each research or consultant group follows its own approach while many initiatives are based on custom approaches, developed each time from scratch, or even worse do not follow a structured method at all. In this chapter the authors attempt to go deeper by proposing a classification of knowledge management frameworks based on their macroscopic characteristics followed by their evaluation against a set of predetermined content elements that a complete approach should possess. The main result propagated from their critique is a common understanding of current theoretical and practical shortcomings of the field and the specification of a consistent set of course of actions and guidelines for researchers and practitioners engaged in knowledge management and its applications.

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