Exploring Frigid Frontiers: Strategies for Uncovering Earth's Frozen Regions With AI

Exploring Frigid Frontiers: Strategies for Uncovering Earth's Frozen Regions With AI

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 33
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1850-8.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
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Polar science is the study of Earth's frozen zones. It finds its application in a diversity of applications such as monitoring the effects of global warming, making weather prediction, studying the migration cycles of birds, understanding the change in climate over decades, etc. Despite its wide applicability, this field presents a diversity of challenges to the cryosphere community. In this chapter, the authors will cover the current challenges in this field and how they are being solved by researchers across the globe. They will discuss the areas of research and their applicability along with the latest and most promising research works in the field of polar sciences. The subject of polar sciences is studied widely in two dimensions. The first is the study of ice of the sea, and the other is the study of snow. To truly grasp the works done in this field, the authors would be covering these sections in detail one after another.
Chapter Preview

1. Sea Ice

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models have been used to map the ice shelves across the arctic region. But why do we need AI techniques to identify ice covered zones in the first place? Researchers make use of satellite imagery to identify the Earth’s Frozen Zones. However, the contour of Ice is like that of Water and Clouds. Hence, it is difficult to give an accurate account of the Earth’s frozen zones. To mitigate this issue researchers across the globe have been working on various AI models to distinguish Ice from Sea and Clouds. We will now discuss such techniques in a little more detail.

1.1 U-Net: A CNN Based Architecture

In the field of computer vision a convolutional network design known as U-Net architecture is employed for segmentation of image task. U-Net initially was introduced by Olaf Ronneberger (Ronneberger et al., 2015) and has been applied in various application of image segmentations like medical image analysis. This research employs U-Net architecture for remote sensing data, which perform interpretation of satellite or aerial images.

This architecture considers eight different training and testing sites. The testing sites have not exposed to system prior and kept entirely reserved. Detailed information and geographic coordinates for all sites for training and testing are visually presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Area of study around continent Antarctica

(Baumhoer et al., 2019b)

The data set was taken from two satellite Sentinel1-1A (2014) and sentinel1-1B (2016) that have radar imaging sensors. Moreover 3-D images also taken from TanDEM-X (2013-2014) which is a German satellite for earth observation.

U-net architecture contains both an encoder and decoder and resembles to U -shaped structure. Its design mainly composed of contracting path(encoder) and expansive part (decoder) to provide precise object segmentation within images. This study uses a classifier that takes both pixel values and spatial context to make a distinction between land ice and ocean. It also makes few modifications to U-net architecture to meet its requirement. (Baumhoer et al., 2019b) The main modifications are: employing larger input tiles; initiating with 32 feature channel unlike 64 and scaling is done with 512 unlike 1024; incorporating dropout mechanisms; utilizing four input channels, as opposed to a single channel as described in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

It is a representation of U-Net Architecture where red arrows show down-sampling block, green arrows show up-sampling, black arrows show skip connections and yellow arrows indicate dropout

(Baumhoer et al., 2019b)
Figure 3.

Sequence of timeline around Getz Ice Shelf from Sentinel-1. (Baumhoer et al., 2019b) (A) Forward movement of the DeVicq Glacier. (B)Settled coastline part. (C) Breaking of ice chunks from front of Beakley Glacier (D)Wrong boundary prediction of Getz 1 Glacier front (E) Breaking of ice from Glacier event


Figure 3 captures the movement of DeVicq Glacier accurately as shown by time series. The parameters used for classification accuracy are given in following table. Accuracy varied across areas which are summarised in table 1.

Table 1.
Results of Classification where bold represent high and low values

Calculation of breaking of ice front of glacier around Antarctica will be allowed by the spatial and temporal transferability of this approach in future. This approach will provide new ways to monitor the changes in the Antarctica coastal region and can be used for measuring glacier and ice front extent fluctuations.

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