Exploring Digital Twin Technologies to Examine Transformation in Healthcare Systems

Exploring Digital Twin Technologies to Examine Transformation in Healthcare Systems

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch010
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This chapter explores the field of digital twin technologies as an innovative approach to examine the continuous change in healthcare systems. The utilization of digital twins offers novel methods to improve resource optimization, patient care, and operational efficiency as the healthcare sector faces previously unheard-of difficulties. The current research delves deeply into the fundamental principles and uses of digital twin technology in the healthcare sector, emphasizing its capacity to transform healthcare facilities, telemedicine, and patient outcomes. Through the evaluation of case studies and new developments, the authors highlight the critical function that digital twins perform in advancing predictive analytics, remote monitoring, and customized care. In order to help policymakers, healthcare professionals, and tech entrepreneurs navigate the changing environment of healthcare systems in the digital age, this chapter aspires to provide a thorough knowledge of the revolutionary potential of digital twins in healthcare.
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1. Introduction To Digital Twin Technologies

The idea of “digital twin” technology has become a ground-breaking and revolutionary power in an era where the digital and physical domains are merging more and more. With the use of digital twins, which are the meeting point of virtual and physical worlds, real-world systems, processes, and items can be closely mimicked and tracked in the digital realm (Riaz et al., 2023). This idea has not only attracted significant interest from a variety of businesses, but it has also paved the way for ground-breaking developments in a number of fields, including engineering, manufacturing, healthcare, and more. Fundamentally, a Digital Twin is a virtual equivalent that replicates in real time the traits, actions, and dynamics of its physical counterpart. It gathers data from sensors, gadgets, and different sources frequently, feeding it into a digital model. With the help of this representation, the physical thing may be visualized, analyzed, and simulated, providing previously unthinkable insights and capabilities.

Digital twins were first used to track and optimize complicated machinery and systems in the field of industry and manufacturing processes. But their usefulness goes far beyond the manufacturing floor. Urban planning, environmental monitoring, aerospace, and—possibly most significantly—the constantly changing healthcare industry have all found use for them. There is great potential for boosting operational effectiveness, reinventing patient-centered care, and improving health results with the capacity to generate a real-time, data-driven duplicate of a patient's state or a medical device's performance.

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