Exploring AI-Assisted Students Online Proctoring System: A Study

Exploring AI-Assisted Students Online Proctoring System: A Study

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2440-0.ch007
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Online proctoring tools and techniques have gained significant attention in recent years due to the increasing popularity of online learning platforms and online assessments. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of different online proctoring techniques and tools that are commonly used to maintain the integrity of online exams. The chapter begins by highlighting the importance of online proctoring in ensuring fair evaluation and preventing cheating. It then explores various types of online proctoring techniques such as live proctoring, automated proctoring, and recorded proctoring. The advantages and limitations of each technique are discussed, providing a comprehensive understanding of when and how to use them effectively. Overall, this chapter aims to empower educators and administrators with the knowledge and information needed to implement effective online proctoring methods. By understanding the various techniques and tools available, they can enhance the credibility and security of their online assessments, ensuring a fair and reliable evaluation process.
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Online proctoring (Woldeab, 2019) has become an increasingly popular method for conducting exams and assessments in various educational and professional settings. With the rapid advancement of technology, traditional forms of monitoring and invigilation are being replaced by more efficient and convenient online proctoring tools and techniques. Online proctoring involves the use of webcams, microphones, and other technological devices to observe and monitor candidates remotely during exams. This method ensures the integrity and authenticity of the assessment process, as it allows invigilators to monitor the test-takers in real-time, similar to traditional proctoring methods.

The rise of online learning and the need for flexible and accessible assessment methods have contributed to the growing demand for online proctoring. This method provides an opportunity for organizations, educational institutions, and professional certification bodies to assess candidates remotely, eliminating the need for physical exam centers and reducing logistical constraints. One of the key advantages of online proctoring is its convenience. Test-takers can complete exams from anywhere, as long as they have a stable internet connection and the required equipment. This flexibility allows for greater participation and access to assessments for individuals who may be located in remote areas or have other constraints that prevent them from attending physical test centers. Moreover, online proctoring tools employ various advanced technologies to ensure fair and accurate assessment. These tools include facial recognition software, keystroke analysis, browser lockdowns, and screen recording, among others. These features help in verifying the identity of the test-taker, preventing cheating, and monitoring any unauthorized activities during the exam. However, it is essential to acknowledge that online proctoring also comes with its own challenges and limitations (Sutton, 2019). Privacy concerns, technical issues, and the need for reliable internet connectivity can sometimes hinder the smooth execution of online proctoring. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully evaluate different tools and techniques to ensure that they align with the specific requirements and goals of the assessment process.

In this chapter, we will explore various online proctoring tools and techniques that can be utilized to conduct secure and reliable exams remotely. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of different tools, as well as provide practical recommendations for implementing online proctoring effectively. By the end of this chapter, readers will have gained a comprehensive understanding of online proctoring and be equipped with the knowledge to select and implement the most suitable tools and techniques for their assessment needs (Hiran et al., 2024; Doshi et al., 2023).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Academic Integrity: The ethical and moral principles that underpin the pursuit of knowledge and learning, including honesty, fairness, and responsibility.

Online Assessments: Evaluations conducted through digital platforms, such as online quizzes, tests, and exams.

Artificial Intelligence: The simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems, including learning, reasoning, and self-correction.

Data Security: The protection of data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

Privacy: Concerns: The ethical and legal considerations related to the collection, use, and storage of personal information.

Technical Requirements: The hardware and software specifications needed to support online proctoring, including compatible devices, browsers, and internet connectivity.

Online Proctoring: The use of webcams, microphones, and other technological devices to observe and monitor candidates remotely during exams.

Tools and Techniques: The various technologies and methods used to facilitate online proctoring, including facial recognition software, keystroke analysis, browser lockdowns, and screen recording.

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