Exploring AI and Machine Learning Integration in Medical Assistive Robotics: An Experimental Approach

Exploring AI and Machine Learning Integration in Medical Assistive Robotics: An Experimental Approach

T. R. Saravanan, S. Suvitha, Dhanalaxmi Banavath, Sreenivasulu Gogula, Jyoti Upadhyay, M. Sudhakar
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1638-2.ch009
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This chapter investigates the integration of AI and machine learning (ML) techniques in medical assistive robotics, focusing on their potential in enhancing healthcare capabilities. It explores the synergy between AI, ML, and medical robotics; outlines the chosen methodology; and assesses AI applications in areas like image analysis, predictive modeling, real-time monitoring, surgical automation, and rehabilitation. The study compares results with existing literature, revealing insights into the contributions and limitations of AI-empowered medical robotics. The findings highlight the transformative possibilities of AI and ML in advancing patient care, diagnostics, and treatment planning. By bridging theoretical understanding with empirical validation, this chapter aims to advance the discourse on AI integration in medical assistive robotics.
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Overview of Medical Assistive Robotics

Medical assistive robotics represents a pivotal convergence of advanced technology and healthcare, promising to reshape the way medical procedures are conducted, diagnoses are made, and patient care is administered. At its core, medical assistive robotics involves the integration of robotic systems with medical practices, augmenting the capabilities of healthcare professionals and enhancing patient outcomes. This overview delves into the multifaceted landscape of medical assistive robotics, highlighting its key applications, benefits, challenges, and future prospects (Chen & Decary, 2020).

Medical assistive robotics finds its applications across a diverse spectrum of healthcare domains, ranging from diagnostics to surgery and rehabilitation. In diagnostics, robotic systems aid in the analysis of medical images, enabling the early detection of diseases and providing crucial insights for accurate diagnoses. Surgical robotics has transformed the field of minimally invasive procedures, offering enhanced precision, reduced invasiveness, and faster recovery times for patients. Additionally, robotics plays a significant role in rehabilitation therapy, assisting patients in their recovery journey by providing personalized exercises, monitoring progress, and facilitating mobility (Das et al., 2021; Dixit et al., 2021).

The integration of robotics in healthcare brings forth a multitude of benefits. One of the most prominent advantages is the augmentation of human capabilities. Robotic systems can perform intricate tasks with high precision, minimizing the margin of error and potentially leading to improved patient outcomes. Moreover, robotic procedures often result in reduced trauma to patients, quicker recovery times, and smaller incisions, contributing to enhanced patient comfort and overall satisfaction. Medical assistive robotics also enables telemedicine and remote interventions, breaking down geographical barriers and ensuring patients receive expert care even in underserved areas (Fiazza, 2021; Filipovic, 2020).

While the potential of medical assistive robotics is undeniable, its adoption is not without challenges. Ethical considerations, including patient privacy and the responsible use of AI algorithms, are paramount. Ensuring the safety and reliability of robotic systems is critical, as any technical malfunction can have serious consequences. The financial investment required for acquiring and maintaining these advanced technologies can pose barriers to adoption, especially for smaller healthcare facilities. Additionally, the need for proper training and integration of robotics into existing healthcare workflows requires careful planning and coordination (Goldenberg et al., 2019; Gruson et al., 2019).

The future of medical assistive robotics is promising, with ongoing advancements poised to amplify its impact on healthcare. As AI and machine learning continue to evolve, robotic systems will become more adaptive and capable of learning from data, enhancing their decision-making abilities. Collaborative robotics, where human professionals work alongside robotic systems, holds potential for creating synergistic partnerships that leverage the strengths of both. Furthermore, the integration of virtual reality and haptic feedback can create immersive training environments for medical professionals, ensuring their proficiency in utilizing these technologies effectively (Habuza et al., 2021; Haidegger et al., 2022).

Thus, medical assistive robotics represents a transformative force in healthcare. Its applications span diagnostics, surgery, and rehabilitation, offering benefits such as enhanced precision, reduced invasiveness, and expanded access to medical expertise. While challenges exist, ongoing advancements in AI, robotics, and training methodologies hold the promise of overcoming these hurdles. With careful consideration of ethical, safety, and economic factors, the journey towards the widespread integration of medical assistive robotics continues to forge ahead, shaping the future of healthcare delivery.

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