Exploration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning in Bioinformatics

Exploration of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning in Bioinformatics

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1822-5.ch012
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In the dynamic field of bioinformatics, the fusion of deep learning and transfer learning techniques has ushered in a transformative era of discovery. Deep learning, powered by neural networks, has emerged as a formidable tool for deciphering intricate biological data, spanning genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Its capacity to automatically discern complex patterns and features within vast datasets has revolutionized our comprehension of biological processes. Transfer learning, a complementary approach, introduces a novel dimension to bioinformatics. By harnessing pre-trained models from domains like computer vision and natural language processing, researchers can expedite their analyses, reducing the demand for extensive labeled data. This cross-domain knowledge transfer expedites the progress of bioinformatics applications, from predicting protein structures to identifying disease biomarkers.
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1. Introduction To Bioinformatics

A subject that straddles the line between different fields of study, bioinformatics has also transformed our understanding of biology. It sits at the intersection of biology, computing and mathematics as well as data analysis-the goal is to apply IT technology to life's mysteries. This chapter takes you on a journey into the mysterious realm of bioinformatics, exploring its meaning and scope along with-most importantly--its huge importance for modern life sciences.

1.1 Definition and Scope of Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics itself focuses on the organization, analysis and interpretation of biological information. Just a few examples of these many biological subfields are genetics, structural biology and proteomics. Its ability to translate this raw biological information into useful knowledge is really its true nature as a tool for joining traditional biological science with the digital world. Most people explain bioinformatics in terms of a translating device that bridges the gap between two languages, computer language and molecular (DNA, RNA) protein language(Löchel & Heider, 2021). What it provides is the approaches and tools needed to understand those vast compendiums of biological data generated by modern technologies. This makes it easier to identify previously unseen connections, structures and theories that could never have been distinguished through mere manual research(Bornes et al., 2023).

Genetics is one of the cornerstones on which bioinformatics relies. Genomics refers to the study of an organism's entire genome, or set of genes. As high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques have come on the scene, so too has genomic data multiplied by leaps and bounds. By applying computer tools and bioinformatics, scientists can crack genetic code, identify genes related to diseases or those that contributed in the past to evolutionary processes(Hua et al., 2023). None of these vocations would be possible without bioinformatics. In addition to genomics and proteomics (the study of a living thing's full complement of protein genes), bioinformatics also embraces structural biology-research into the three dimensions of molecules. Investigating interactions between likely drugs and target proteins can be crucial to the success of new treatments(Lai et al., 2019). Global food security is further enhanced with the assistance provided by bioinformatics in developing genetically altered crops which are more productive and resistant to pests.

Let ’ s take a look at the rest of the book. As we do so, you will gain an understanding for how bioinformatics integrates with breakthrough technologies such as deep learning and transfer learning to fully exploit biological data resources. These technologies, combined with a degree of precision and efficiency previously unimaginable to most people, are helping us grasp complex biological processes; predict the structures of proteins; or expedite the process for new treatments(N. Wang & He, 2023).

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