Expanding the Strategic Role of Information Interactions in the Enterprise Environment: Developing an Integrated Model

Expanding the Strategic Role of Information Interactions in the Enterprise Environment: Developing an Integrated Model

Judit Olah, Ole Axvig
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-965-1.ch219
(Individual Chapters)
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In a modern enterprise environment, many information resources are available to people working to produce valuable output. Due to technology proliferation, remote work access, and multiple geographical locations generating their own solutions for local infrastructure challenges, as well as the fact that modern professionals are tasked to make decisions autonomously, it is not self-evident what types of information resources could or should be accessed in what order in order to move processes towards the desired product outcome. Our integrated model was developed using the results of an empirical study. The model puts a user-centered focus on business process model building by mapping all information interactions surrounding the business processes (i.e. creation, storage, management, retrieval of documents/ contents as well as information and data). The model characterizes the business processes by types of information interaction, analyzes process phases by those interactions and evaluates actual locations of information content extractions.

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