Exchange of Cultures in the Field of Gastronomy Tourism: Evidence of Bangladesh

Exchange of Cultures in the Field of Gastronomy Tourism: Evidence of Bangladesh

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3158-3.ch006
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Within the context of Bangladesh's gastronomic tourist industry, this study investigates the findings of cultural exchanges that have taken place. It is possible to better grasp the dynamic relationship between traditional practices and global influences by focusing on the country's culturally significant culinary history. The eclectic cuisine of Bangladesh, which includes dishes such as biryani and bharta, as well as a variety of seafood preparations, reflects the fusion of flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques from several different locations. The active interchange of cultural practices is facilitated by various factors, including culinary festivals, international influences, cooking lessons, and initiatives developed for food tourism. In addition to generating a better appreciation for the gastronomic experiences available worldwide, the findings contribute to a more comprehensive knowledge of how culinary variety and creativity define the cultural character of a nation.
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Cultural, Gastronomy, and Adventure Tourism Development



Travel experiences worldwide now include gastronomy tourism, defined by discovering and enjoying various culinary traditions. A dynamic force in developing and enriching local culinary landscapes, the exchange of cultures in gastronomy tourism has emerged as societies become more intertwined in our increasingly linked globe (Rana & Bisht, 2023). The main subject of this study is the evidence of cross-cultural interchange in the context of gastronomy tourism in Bangladesh—a nation known for its colorful and varied cuisine.

Bangladesh is a South Asian country with a rich culinary legacy woven throughout its historical and cultural fabric. The nation's food is a distinctive blend of flavors, spices, and cooking methods influenced by other parts of the world (Maqbool et al., 2024). Bangladesh's culinary options, which include the well-known biryani and a variety of seafood preparations, offer a rich backdrop for comprehending the relationship between tradition and modernity (Talukder & Kumar, 2023). This study sheds light on how Bangladesh's culinary tourism reflects cultural exchange. The investigation includes food festivals, how foreign cuisine has influenced regional cuisine, the growing demand for cooking classes, and government programs that support food tourism.

Furthermore, the function of social media and digital platforms in promoting the sharing of culinary concepts will be investigated. By exploring these facets, this study aims to offer a thorough grasp of how Bangladesh's culinary tourism draws tourists looking for various culinary experiences and actively participates in the international conversation on food culture (Sharma, 2019). The results of this study add to the growing body of knowledge regarding the transformative power of culinary tourism in promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Bangladesh's culinary customs, ingrained in the country's culture, have been changing in response to globalization and the world becoming more interconnected (Talukder, 2020). Blending culinary traditions is a dynamic process that involves accepting and conserving influences worldwide. It is not just a one-way process. With Bangladesh preparing to welcome gastronomic tourists, this research aims to clarify the complex processes that characterize this interaction (Talukder et al., 2022). Culinary festivals and events have become important forums for cross-cultural contact where local and international chefs get together to display their abilities and share their culinary experiences (Hashimoto & Telfer, 2006). These gatherings provide traditional Bangladeshi cuisine a platform to mingle with flavors worldwide, creating a creative and varied culinary scene. Bangladesh's food scene has been influenced by international cuisines, with home cooks and professionals fusing ingredients from Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, and Western cuisines into local dishes. This blending of flavors gives traditional recipes a modern spin, demonstrating a willingness to try new things and adapt. The popularity of cooking classes and workshops further evidences the growing demand for learning about and appreciating various culinary traditions. Local and international chefs share their culinary knowledge and practices through these forums while teaching their abilities (Watson et al., 2008).

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