Examining the Paradigm-Shifting Potential of ChatGPT With AI-Enabled Chatbots in Teaching and Learning: Shaping University 4.0 System

Examining the Paradigm-Shifting Potential of ChatGPT With AI-Enabled Chatbots in Teaching and Learning: Shaping University 4.0 System

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6824-4.ch009
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This research investigates the transformative impact of integrating ChatGPT, an advanced language model, in education. Exploring its natural language processing and chatbot capabilities, the study analyzes its influence on personalized learning, student engagement, instructional support, and administrative efficiency. Through case studies, user feedback, and literature, it unveils ChatGPT's paradigm-shifting potential in shaping the future of education. This contributes valuable insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers navigating the digital era, highlighting AI's role in revolutionizing teaching and learning approaches. In the context of University 4.0, the emergence of ChatGPT sparks interest in its capacity to reshape higher education through AI-enabled chatbots, fostering personalized and interactive learning experiences.
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Universities are continually looking for new ideas to enhance the teaching and learning expertise for their students in the ever-changing educational landscape. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology advancements have created new opportunities for modernizing static educational systems into dynamic and individualized learning environments (Chukwuere, 2023). The development of chatbots, intelligent conversational agents that can interact with students in a natural and effective way, is one area where AI has shown enormous potential (Mancy, 2024). With an emphasis on their effects on teaching and learning, this study states to explore the paradigm-shifting capabilities of AI-enabled chatbots in defining the university 4.0 system (Elsen-Rooney, 2023). The term “University 4.0” alludes to the fourth industrial revolution, in which various facets of higher education are automated and digital technologies are integrated (Prasad, 2023). Chatbots powered by AI have the potential to transform the environment of educational sector delivering individualized help, encouraging active interaction, and reducing administrative procedures (Yi, 2020).

Numerous opportunities arise from the incorporation of AI-enabled Chatbots in learning and teaching contexts (Sharma, P., Dadheech, 2023). These Chatbots can serve as online instructors, directing learners along personalized learning pathways, giving immediate feedback, and addressing specific learning needs (Yi, 2020). By using AI algorithms and the processing of natural language abilities, chatbots can adapt to the choices, methods of learning, and pace of students, enhancing the efficacy of the educational process.

Chatbots powered by AI also have the power to promote student involvement and teamwork. Through interactive interactions, chatbots can encourage knowledge exchange, problem-solving, and analytical thinking (Hill-Yardin, 2023). They can act as online discussion partners, igniting the mind's curiosity and encouraging group learning. Additionally, chatbots can offer round-the-clock accessibility, ensuring that students receive ongoing support and direction outside of regular class hours (Yi, 2020).

Figure 1.

How AI Chatbot’s functions

(Author’s Compilation)

Figure 1 depicts the functioning of Chatbot. Eliza, the first chatbox designed to play a psychotherapist, was developed in 1966. Smarter chatbots are being developed as a result of technological advancements, like Apple Siri, Smarter Child, IBM Watson, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana. A chatbot typically functions through a combination of several components and technologies. Here is a general overview of how a chatbot functions:

User Input: The user provides textual or spoken commands to the chatbot.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques are employed in processing the user input to understand the context, extract relevant information, and identify the intent behind the user's query or statement.

Intent Recognition: The chatbot determines the user's intent, such as asking a question, seeking information, requesting assistance, or providing feedback.

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