Examining Dimensions, Components, and Key Performance Indicators of Information Logistics in Industry 4.0

Examining Dimensions, Components, and Key Performance Indicators of Information Logistics in Industry 4.0

Mahmonir Bayanati
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0159-3.ch003
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The emerging technologies that drive the fourth industrial revolution rely on the knowledge and systems of previous industrial revolutions. The goal of the fourth industrial revolution is to develop more agile, responsive, and customer-oriented manufacturing industries. In this era, technologies with their potential to revolutionize the production of goods and services intend to revolutionize the global economy as well. The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, beyond the effects they probably have on economic inequality, can have significant negative side effects on various fields. As business becomes more competitive and complicated at the international level, the need for managers to pay attention to technology-based strategies in the new era is a competitive advantage for companies. For this reason, an effort has been made in this chapter to identify and evaluate the most important dimensions, components, and key performance indicators in the field of information logistics and intelligent supply chain by emphasizing the literature on the subject.
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Supply Chain Management And Logistics 4.0

Supply chain 4.0 is realized through contextual conditions and industry 4.0 technologies. As a result, the two concepts of decentralization and automation become very important. In fact, in the thinking of Industry 4.0, autonomous control is placed in the margins instead of being the center of control. However, there is still an important human component that makes supply chain management change in the decentralizing framework of Industry 4.0, because not all actions can and should be automated, and therefore, implemented anyway (Huang et al., 2023).

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