Evolutionized Industry With the Internet of Things

Evolutionized Industry With the Internet of Things

Sangeetha Rangasamy, Kavitha Rajamohan, V. S. Lavan, C. Mayur, Mary F. Lalitha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8785-3.ch021
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Technological development has led us to various paths. Though each technological change has evolved in its own space and time, it resulted in amenities and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving. One such technology is the “Internet of Things” - IoT which was coined in the year 1999 by a computer scientist called Kevin Ashton. Despite its start in the late 90s, it has come a long way to achieve the status of 10 Billion active IoT devices by the end of 2021, with the IoT solutions costing an estimated economic value of 4-11 trillion by 2025.
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1. Industrial Internet Of Things (Iiot)

IIoT refers to the integration of a network of connected things technology in industrial settings, specifically in manufacturing, energy, transportation, and so on. IIoT involves connecting a variety of sensors, devices, and machines to the internet, enabling real-time communication, monitoring, and control of industrial processes. This technology allows for improved efficiency, productivity, and better decision making, enabling new business models.

1.1 Industrial Revolution

The term revolution refers to the set of activities that have taken place to bring changes in the way of doing things differently. From an Industry perspective it is the speeding up of innovation by the means of introduction of new tools that benefit various fields. Some major areas that it helped include optimized production by reducing the use of labor power, production of various goods and services, efficiently managing the time (Wilkinson, 2022). This is the era of the 5th Industrial Revolution but looking back at history, this Industrial Revolution is dated back to the era of 18 hundreds where in The Great Britain saw a sharp incline in the technological advancement that eventually led to merger between industry and technology. This revolution over the centuries has led us to the new phase called Evolution where technology has already provided a platform and people are at the receiving end to make use of it and push it into another level thereby people, process and industry are just evolving within a revolution.

1.2 Evolution of Industrial IoT

The evolution of IIoT is the development from simple machine-to-machine communication to a complex network of interconnected devices and systems (Desjardins, 2018). The key highlights include the growth of data volume, complexity of devices, and the need for integration with other technologies as key drivers of the evolution of IIoT. Fig 1 shows the developmental phase of various technologies within each Industrial evolution.

Figure 1.

Industrial evolution road map


1.3 Benefits of Using IIoT

Based on today's scenario, the Industries have to be nimble in moving forward so as to meet the demands of the market. Fig 2 shows benefits of the Internet of Things in the Industry domain. Considering the adoption of the Internet of Things in the Industry key benefits can be listed as follows (Mendoza, 2020):

Figure 2.

Benefits of industrial internet of things

  • Cutting down on Production Time to Market:By the use of automation in the manufacturing sector, time consumption, which is of very much essence, can be reduced, hence leaving industrialists with more time for other activities.

  • Reduction of Errors:The use of Internet of Things in Industry can have benefits which leads the product to go through fewer errors so as to keep the product ready for the market.

  • Greater Safety and Security: Through the usage of sensors, the technology has led to increased security and safety to all the segments of the society.

  • Optimization of Production: By connecting machines, devices, and sensors to the internet, the IIoT can provide real-time data and insights that can be used to identify inefficiencies and improve productivity

  • Environmental sustainability: The IIoT can help companies reduce their environmental impact by optimizing energy usage and reducing waste through more efficient processes.

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