Evolutionary and Ideation Concepts for Cybersecurity Education

Evolutionary and Ideation Concepts for Cybersecurity Education

David A. Gould, Gregory Block, Simon Cleveland
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3554-0.ch027
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Evolution is a well-established biological theory, but some basic concepts can be abstracted and applied to non-biological domains such as the education domain for the purposes of knowledge sharing. There is a gap in the literature regarding how evolutionary processes can be applied to cyber security education. This article presents the general evolutionary algorithm and pairs it with an ideation technique (SCAMPER) to illustrate how certain evolutionary processes can be applied to cyber security education and learning. This paper does not attempt to close the gap, but rather offer a theoretical approach to address the gap.
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This research-in-process paper explores some evolutionary concepts and an innovative ideation technique or framework to find new approaches or applications to teaching cyber security. The paper extends a prior study on evolutionary systems and their application to cybersecurity learning (Gould, Block & Cleveland, 2018; Gould & Cleveland, 2018). Some definitions, examples, and frameworks are provided as a starting point, followed by some applications to cyber security. The paper concludes with a recommendation for quantitative research measuring the effectiveness of evolutionary concepts in the preparation and execution of cyber defense educational curricula.

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