Evolution of Healthcare Systems From Traditional to IoMT Architecture, Secure Networking Protocols, Data Analytics

Evolution of Healthcare Systems From Traditional to IoMT Architecture, Secure Networking Protocols, Data Analytics

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2109-6.ch002
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The rapid advancement of healthcare in the digital age has ushered in a new era known as Healthcare 4.0, which is defined by the incorporation of the Internet of Things (IoT) into medical systems, also known as the internet of medical things (IoMT). This chapter provides an in-depth examination of IoMT, with a focus on its significance in the context of Healthcare 4.0. The chapter explores the complex web of IoMT devices, sensors, and applications, emphasizing their ability to collect and exchange critical medical data. This chapter discusses the intricate lightweight networking protocols that support the IoMT ecosystem. It investigates the technologies that enable secure, real-time data transmission and communication between medical devices, EHRs, and healthcare providers. The importance of robust security measures and data privacy in the IoMT landscape is emphasized to ensure patient confidentiality and prevent potential cyber threats. In the end future research trends and advancements in IoMT are discussed.
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Over the years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the global population, which significantly influences all resources that rely on human existence and manpower used to offer numerous necessities and facilities to each individual. One of the most substantial consequences was felt in the medical industry. To demonstrate, the growing number of people in need of healthcare services, notably those plagued by long-term illnesses such as chronic illnesses, has created a severe problem for the whole healthcare industry. To avoid such circumstances, a variety of on-premise healthcare equipment, laboratories, and more skilled health professionals was hired, so that administering treatment would be reliable and less time-consuming, and thus all those in need would receive appropriate medication.

However, the problem of having long-term treatments and regular diagnosis includes the physical interaction of both healthcare professionals & and patients at the medical institutions where the individuals get regular checkup services and the diagnosis regarding the chronic disease; such a traditional approach conceives a great amount of time, health devices with uncountable resources, human resources for management and the continues efforts of the professionals and the patients to appear at the medical institution.

Based on such circumstances, the traditional system is gradually digitalized into an advanced ecosystem termed “smart healthcare,” which utilizes an emerging technology stack and leverages the IoT devices and sensors, resulting in a smart ecosystem comprised of redemption of unnecessary resources, time and humanly efforts with accommodation of very easy and convenient approach of providing health care. The new approach includes smart ways to deal with the patient's illness, such as continuous remote patient monitoring (RPM), telemedicine, healthcare wearables, disease prevention, cost reduction, and better health standards. Accommodating such an ecosystem would benefit each individual, caretakers, and, majorly, the elderly, who would not fit into the traditional healthcare system. The other way around Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is that it can lead to profound research assistance to find a solution to any disease or physical health condition.

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