Event Management in Social Media

Event Management in Social Media

Murat Seyfi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6287-4.ch009
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This chapter describes how through globalisation and developments in communication technologies, the lifestyle of people has changed and developed as well. Now, events are re-designed with communication tools and are becoming an important part of social life. This study aims to determine and evaluate the factors affecting perceptions of the audience who take part in events realized via Facebook, or on another online platform. Since this study is implemented through a social media communication device, on an on-line platform, it differs from other studies and gives this area a new perspective. Data acquired from questions were prepared to test the hypothesis of the study were analysed by doing factor analysis and regression tests. The acquired results were discussed.
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Event is described as a remarkable activity taking place in a specific place and a period of time (Getz, 2007, p.19). Events, from the perspective of the audience, are seen as a medium for recreation and entertainment. Individuals expect to experience happiness and joy-oriented experiences by participating in the events (McLean, 2006, pp.40-41). According to Pira (2004), each event has its own purposes. These purposes might be sustaining social communication or reaching related purposes by creating an environment for the benefit of the institution, affecting the people and carrying the mission and the needs of the event into a general area. However, an event which cannot achieve its aims, even if it is profit-oriented or a charity, becomes insignificant and a loss of resources (Pira, 2004, p.31). Therefore, researching perceptions of the audience in the events is vital in terms of determining sub-factors of participant satisfaction and loyalty.

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