Ethnobotanical, Therapeutic, and Pharmacological Applications of Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia L.) Plant

Ethnobotanical, Therapeutic, and Pharmacological Applications of Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia L.) Plant

Sandipan Babasaheb Jige
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1986-4.ch002
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The bakuchi plant is growing under humid environments in different parts of India, Pakistan, and China; it also grows in warmer Southern region of Africa. It is an annual erect herb having height up to one meter, and it belongs to the family fabaceae. The plants are branched and stems are covered with white hair like projections, the seeds are black which has supreme healing power, and useful remedy myriad health anomalies. In Ayurveda plant documented for (Ruchya) anorexia remedy, (Kushtangna) treats skin disorders, (Keshya) improve hair growths, (Shwasahara) treat respiratory anomalies, (Jwarahara) to fever remedy, (Mehahara) for rectify the urinary tract infection and (Vishtamrut) for cure constipation and different digestive disorders. The plant has riches with the powerful phytonutrients which is important for hair roots growth. The plant also excellent carminative and digestive properties, it is helpful for treating host of digestive woes. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anticancer, anti-microbial properties. The seed contains chemical constituents like coumarin, flavones, lipids, phenols, volatile oil, and stigma-steroids. The volatile compounds are limonene, linalool, gerayl acetate and β –carophyllene. The plants has essential medicinal components are psoralen, corylidin, isopsoralen, bavacoumestan A, bakuchiol and psoralidin, it composed fatty acids likes linoleic, palmitic and oleic acid with stearic and lignoceric acids. It increase the international demand and trade also observed, appreciating its low cost and tolerability.
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The India has spreads different numerous medicinal plant species in many climatic and geographical zones. The collection of this flora is unique estimated about 45,000 plant species. The secondary plant products gets in the form of chemicals obtained from plants. It is alkaloids and glycosides in the 4,000 plant species more than 3,000 alkaloids identified. The alkaloids toxic and medicinal effect depends upon its dose (Alphonse V. A. 2020). In the glycosides the sugar molecule gets attached to component and it is active, it is categorized by nature of the active component. Today plant science has known about 4, 50,000 plant species in which 60 families are large contains about the 2,000 species. In India medicinal species occurred in different ecological system are about 7,000. In the world about essential oil production India has share 16-17% in the total production, in the world about 1, 00,000 to 1, 10,000 tons essential oil produced. In essential oil production Brazil is on the top it has produced only citrus oil about 40,000 tones. In the medicinal plant some plant has antiviral properties about 219 plants from 83 families show it. In the world about 21,000 plant species listed as medicinal plant by the World Health Organization, in which 2,500 listed from India. In the India about 150 plant species are used commercially on fairy large scale. The India is producer of large herbs so also known as botanical garden of the world.


  • To study the ethnobotany of the bakuchi plant

  • To enlighten the therapeutic use of the bakuchi plant

  • To describe the pharmacological application of the bakuchi plant

  • To understand the various botanical characters of the bakuchi plant

  • To aware the young generation about the wild plant medicine

Key Terms in this Chapter

Traditional: On the primarily based on a way of questioning, behaving or doing something that has been utilized by the human beings mainly group, family, society and so on for a long time.

Ethanobotany: The study of the local plant life and their makes use of with the assist of conventional expertise of neighborhood way of life and peoples is usually known as ethnobotany. in the simple words the examiner of ways human beings of particular subculture and region make use of indigenous or local plant life means

Therapeutic: It helps to you to relax or to feel better about things, it means inclined to serve.

Pharmacology: The clinical observe of the effects of medication and chemicals on dwelling organism, where drug broadly outline as any chemical substance, natural or artificial which affects biological gadget.

Application: It acts as applying for particular use or purpose.

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