Ethics in Neuromarketing: A Systematic Literature Review

Ethics in Neuromarketing: A Systematic Literature Review

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3230-6.ch007
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This structured literature review examines the ethical dimensions of neuromarketing practices. Utilizing Scopus, papers were retrieved via a keyword search of “Neuromarketing and ethics.” The study analyzes existing literature to trace the evolution of ethical discourse, identify thematic trends, research gaps, and challenges within the field. The search criteria focused on scholarly articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings from peer-reviewed sources. Key findings reveal shifts in perspectives and regulatory frameworks over time, prevalent ethical themes such as privacy concerns and manipulation, and identified research gaps including cross-cultural perspectives and empirical studies on consumer perceptions. Ultimately, this review contributes to advancing ethical frameworks and guidelines in neuromarketing research and practice.
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