Ethical Considerations in AI Implementation for Patient Data Security and Privacy

Ethical Considerations in AI Implementation for Patient Data Security and Privacy

N. V. Suresh, Ananth Selvakumar, Gajalaksmi Sridhar, S. Catherine
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7452-8.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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As the clinical thought industry wisely embraces artificial intelligence for upgraded course and managed understanding results, moral assessments integrating patient information security and protection have come to head. The enthralling world of artificial intelligence data execution in clinical practice is the subject of this chapter, which focuses specifically on the moral dilemmas associated with protecting patient information. The review takes a gander at certified instances of impersonated information applications in clinical advantages settings and looks at the systems used to address worries about the security and confirmation of patient information. Key moral examinations explored join the careful utilization of patient information, straightforwardness in mechanized thinking assessments, informed assent, and the potential for affinity in man-made information driven strong cycles. The chapter looks at how clinical idea affiliations investigate these ethical issues to track down an association between utilizing replicated data improvements and monitoring patient protection of some sort. The legitimate techniques for moral man-made hypothesis sending in clinical advantages are broke down, enveloping different evened out plans, consistence systems, and the control of interdisciplinary cooperation. The findings of this study must likely serve as a partner for technologists, policymakers, and early adopters of clinical thought in the development of robust plans that place an emphasis on determining information security and safety while making use of electronic thinking's prominent power.
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