ESP Writing as a Practical Mean of Cultural Communication Between Ukrainian Music Teachers and Chinese Students

ESP Writing as a Practical Mean of Cultural Communication Between Ukrainian Music Teachers and Chinese Students

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6222-5.ch008
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The purpose of this chapter is to present a practical experience of intercultural communication between Ukrainian music teachers and students from China using ESP through writing. During the study, the following tasks were set: 1) to study the literature on ESP for musicians, 2) conduct a survey of students from China using a questionnaire to determine the most convenient and intelligible form of communication, 3) analyze the received data and recommend the use of the ESP letter for Ukrainian and Chinese musicians. When researching, it is important to take into account the socio-cultural characteristics of Chinese students that affect their success in studying at higher musical institutions in Ukraine, revealing the peculiarities of the use of writing in the process of communication with teachers.
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Highly specialized English is of particular importance in terms of intercultural communication: it can act as a means of communication between Ukrainian teachers of the Academy of Music and Chinese students studying musical art since it is a foreign language studied both in Ukraine and in other countries. The topic of communication of the problem posed is especially relevant in the context of post-COVID reality, when many Chinese students continue their studies at Ukrainian musical institutions of higher education online, without being in the language environment of Ukraine, which entails certain difficulties in learning. To solve this problem, writing becomes an important tool in cultural and pedagogical communication. With the help of a specialized letter in English, a Ukrainian teacher and a Chinese student communicate. In a scientific paper Hu, Zh. (2013). He writes that in modern Chinese society, there is a change and development of intercultural, social, economic and political contacts between countries, and educational boundaries are expanding. “Over the past decades, cooperation between Ukraine and China in the educational field has achieved significant success, which has led to an increase in the interest of Chinese youth in higher education. In China, the prevailing opinion is that only education can provide a person with a worthy place in society, and thus a diploma of higher education allows you to make a career in the good sense of the word, becomes a pass to a better life” (Hu, 2013, p. 36). In recent years, despite the problems caused by the pandemic and the political situation in Ukraine, the number of Chinese students wishing to study in this country has increased. As you know, an important factor in the choice of Chinese students to study at Ukrainian universities is tuition fees. Compared to the UK or the US, studying in Ukraine is much cheaper. In addition, when entering universities in English-speaking countries, Chinese students must pass an English exam at a sufficiently high level. In Ukraine, the procedure for admission to Ukrainian universities for foreign students is more focused on subjects related to the speciality, that is, more simplified in terms of English proficiency. Despite the interest in receiving higher musical education in Ukraine, students from China face many difficulties caused by a foreign language and socio-cultural environment. In this case, English manifests itself as a means of intercultural communication. Moreover, given the various linguistic approaches to the typology of languages, the relevance of written communication is the most relevant.

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